Doctor Who
Age, Animal, Female, Furry, Gender, Inanimate, Male, Mechanical, Size | |
British science-fiction television program about the adventures of a Time Lord and his companions, who travel through space and time in what appears outwardly to be an old, blue, police call-box called a TARDIS.
===Actors who have played the Doctor===
First Doctor - William Hartnell (1963̵ ...more |
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From: DaveS
, 218 months, post #1 |
Hey cj, just curious...
Is it your intent to link all Dr. Who episode entries to this
series entry, both from the original run (1963-1989) and the
current (2005-present)?
I'm just wondering. Personally, I don't have a strong opinion
either way (keeping them separate series entries or not).
From: cj
, 218 months, post #2 |
It's open for discussion.
My intent, yes, was all of them. I'm thinking that they could be
grouped by Doctor... If anyone wants to offer that info (Actor's
Name and the years), I'd be greatly appreciative... would save me
the time of having to look it up (I ran out of time last night,
which is why it is as empty as it is).
It would be like a book series (see the "To link Books in a series to an Author"
under the help when editing an entry), just that the "##"
would be replaced with 7456
(the entryid # for the Doctor Who
entry), "Author's Name"
would be replaced with the text, Doctor Who
, and the "Book Series Name"
would be replaced by the actor's name (and year). "order in series"
could be replaced by the year or season and the episode number.
From: cj
, 218 months, post #3 |
Okay... I was a bit off on that line to group them. Here's what the
line will need to look like:
Series: <a entryid=7456 rel=series rev=episode prep="episode of"
group=" Doctor (Actor)
" sort=" episode #
" note=" category
">Doctor Who</a>
Be sure to change:
- " Doctor (Actor)
" to reflect the correct Doctor and actor.
- " episode #
" to note the episode #.
- " category
" to match the correct category(ies) for that episode... you will
NOT need to add the "Television Episode"
category here.
- The title information for the entry... you can remove the "episode of Doctor Who"
or the "Doctor Who episode"
text from the entry title / name.
From: The Gambler
, 218 months, post #4 |
Why not go by First doctor, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ect., then in the
generalize Dr. Who page, each Doctor would list which actor plays
that part, and what era/years. This usually fan based and official
Dr. Who websites sort out the mess for this long running Scifi
From: guest (ScotiaNova)
, 218 months, post #5 |
Would this be the infamouse troll everyone's been going crazy for?
What is even the point or intent of these posts?
Obviously some "thought" has gone into these posts . . .
From: cj
, 218 months, post #6 |
were you referring to the spam posts that I just permanently
removed? If so, they were just that... spam = unsolicited
commercial postings... they serve no purpose here, are an
annoyance, and are against the rules of the site. Troll posts are
marked as such when removed / hidden.
The Gambler,
I'm not sure the best way to address the Doctor Who listings. I,
personally, like the one entry for the entire run (and revival-run)
- and the entry can have a sub-heading for each doctor. Otherwise
we'd have to create what is it... 9 or 10 entries (one for each
doctor), plus the main one to detail the series... not that
creating them would be a problem. But I would think that navigating
them might... then again, so might sorting through all the episodes
under the one entry.
That's why I left it open to discussion. We can always change it if
need be. Let's hear what the others have to say and then figure it
out from there. :-)
From: guest (ScotiaNova)
, 218 months, post #7 |
Will you be including the non-canon material? Like the Peter
Cushing movies and The Curse of the Fatal Death comic relief
It could get messy.
From: The Gambler
, 218 months, post #8 |
I meant that instead of 1, 2, 3, 4.... listing of doctors, it
would've been helpful to list them as 1st doctor, 2nd, 3rd, ect.,
because that's how each one of them is been referenced. Also
besides the years, it would be helpful also listing the season each
actor is playing the doctor.
So, William Hartnell would've been the 1st doctor, 1963-1966,
season 1-3, ect.
From: cj
, 218 months, post #9 |
Ah... well... I can fix that... it's the episode links I'm worried
about... they seem to be a bit... out of order... I'll have to
remember to mention that to Paul sometime.
As for the non-canon material - it will have to stand on its own
merit... meaning that if it's not part of the official television
series - it will NOT be linked to this Doctor Who entry... it will
stand alone.
From: guest (ScotiaNova)
, 196 months, post #10 |
Heads up that the BBC are unveiling Doctor 11 at 1735 today . . .
From: Chalkerfan
, 196 months, post #11 |
The new Who is some 26 year old called Matt Smith, the youngest
ever to play the part.
Obviously they think a younger actor will appeal to the "yoof"
market and be "well wicked" and "down with da kids".
The stupid tw*ts don't seem to realise that the best Doctors have
always been at least thirty years old, old enough for the actors to
have developed character and personality.
I hope I'm wrong but I think the new Doctor might turn out to be a
bland blonde shallow himbo who needs to stick a red "L" on the
The only chance he has to make it work is to get Tom Baker as a
"sidekick", and Daleks as enemies, lots and lots of Daleks. Plus a
few Cybermen. Sea Devils in large quantities wouldn't hurt either
and large two foot long maggots might help.
Angelina Jolie in any form whatsoever would be beneficial.
And K-9.
Bonnie Langford?......
From: guest (ScotiaNova)
, 196 months, post #12 |
I may be playing into your hands by pointing out that Doctor 5 was
played by an actor under 30 (at least at the start).
From: Chalkerfan
, 196 months, post #13 |
I'm just going to stand in a corner and sulk till the next Doctor
comes along....
Doctor What - son and his friend Sherlock Holmes, courtesy of Mr
From: Chalkerfan
, 196 months, post #14 |
And don't start me on Peter Davidson.
2009 dawns with a good rant.
From: guest (ScotiaNova)
, 196 months, post #15 |
I won't mention Peter David
son, as I don't know who that is . . . are you really going to sulk
and miss Tennants last 4 specials?
From: Chalkerfan
, 196 months, post #16 |
Peter Davison was Doctor Who #5. (the second d in Davison is
silent..sort of).
I've angled the TV so I can watch it from my corner. It's to far
away to make anything out and I can't hear anything but you can't
have everything.
From: guest (DRW)
, 196 months, post #17 |
isnt it a bit unfair to judge the guy on age. Yeah he's young but
the guys a good actor. give him a chance
From: Dale Ribbons
, 196 months, post #18 |
As a long-time Who fan (over 35 years of watching), I'm willing to
give the new guy a chance. Every time a new Who is announced,
someone complains about it, even when Tom Baker.
From: guest (ScotiaNova)
, 196 months, post #19 |
I'll give the new guy a chance, to be fair I had no idea who
Tennanat was when he was cast . . .
From: Chalkerfan
, 196 months, post #20 |
Fairs fair.
You picked me up on my Peter Davison typo so:
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