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Fun little free Ai video generator
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From: guest (Troll) , 2 months, post #1621
Is it better than a month ago? I stopped to make it by my own.
It seems there are some adjustments...
How do you think, guys? It is better than first time?

From: guest , 2 months, post #1622
Hi Meiboo, Do you have to do a manual transfer to renew your subscription or do they withdraw payment automatically from your credit/electronic card?

lots of complaints regarding subscription payments on discord,

From: Shapeshifterry , 2 months, post #1623
@Guest (Troll)

I want to give my honest opinion (as a person with a "Free package"). so, the site has significantly increased restrictions, many things that you could write in the past, now you can't do it anymore (or if it does, it happens rarely). If you write Boy, Girl or in general a minor (as well as breast, boobs and NSFW content even if not explicit) in the prompt, it doesn't create the video, in fact, worse, it starts the development of the video, you waits 30 minutes and then tells you something like "This content violates the rules and blablabla". I would also like to say that (for those who don't pay) that to create videos I sometimes see things like (5245 people before me with a wait of 140 minutes... I'm not joking). Also, it seems to me that the intelligence of the site has worsened, especially with the tick on ON (on OFF it seems slightly smarter, even if not 100%, let's say 70% get the result right). In short: The intelligence has gotten worse, it censors many more words, you find out if your video is accepted or not after uploading (it would have been better if it didn't start it at all) and it takes tens and tens of minutes (sometimes hours) to upload a single 6-second video (with the possibility that it comes out wrong). This is what happens to me, a user who doesn't pay for the subscription, I don't know if those who pay receive better services (excluding loading times) and greater intelligence of the site.

It was definitely much better in the beginning, with very little waiting time and fewer restrictions.

From: smrwilly , 2 months, post #1624
I've compared all the web browsers and after more than 2 weeks of daily experiments, I can now give you an initial overview.

OPERA: generally speaking, the videos are similar to those in the prompt, but you have to be very selective about the words you use. The slightest deviation and the video is rejected.

GOOGLE CHROME: this is the best rendering I've had. The videos are 70% good and there are obviously fewer excluded words than with Opera. Here, if I type ‘sexy’ or ‘curvy’ it'll play 9 times out of 10.

FIREFOX: the ugly duckling of the group. There's very little correspondence between videos and prompts, and most of the time it refuses to accept them. Or if it doesn't refuse them initially, it ends up deleting them within minutes. However, it does have one quality: you can copy the link to the video on Firefox, whereas you can't do that on the others.

VIVALDI: like Firefox, but not as bad. There are better results (around 30% success rate) but here too, there are too many restrictions on the words used.

SLIM BROWSER: a great alternative to Chrome, with conclusive videos and sometimes unexpected results, but unfortunately more restrictions than Chrome.

YANDEX: this Russian browser has several shortcomings. Firstly, it doesn't always remember your login and password. But above all, it does create videos that match the prompts most of the time, but the quality is terrible, and you can't see the details of the characters (eyes, hands, etc.) Too bad.

UR: the other alternative to Chrome. They are in fact from the same family. However, the results are generally not as good as with its big brother, even though there are few word restrictions. This is definitely the browser that will tolerate the maximum number of sex-related words. As long as it stays within the realms of propriety, nothing totally NSFW either.

I hope I've been able to help you choose the right browser to create your videos.

From: guest (Meiboo) , 2 months, post #1625
@guest #1622

I haven't renewed my subscription yet because the first time I subscribed late, so it hasn't expired. However, I don't think I'll renew it yet because the community guideline filter is terrible. I'm going to wait for Hailuo to improve it before considering it again.

From: guest , 2 months, post #1626
smrwilly @1624,

maybe right browser might have an effect, Idk whether the impact is big or not. I have two accounts, one on Edge and the other on Firefox. Many errors occur in Firefox.

I wrote in post 1610 & 1619. it happens in Firefox, and doesn't happen in Edge

From: guest (Nope) , 2 months, post #1627
How does a browser control what the system processing the submission. Your browser is just submitting the info to their server to process the request. Your browser doesn't censor the results the server does. Unless your borwser is the thing doing the processing which can't possible be the case since once you submit a request you can close the browser and quit out of it completely and the website still processed your request.

The only difference in the browsers is how many resources it may use up on your particular computer and theat my be user dependent since we are all using differenct plugins specific to our setup.

I build websites for a living. There are differences between how a browser may display a website Yes but when content is submitted to a server for a particular request? The browser does not censor what you've submitted or what result you are getting thats all on the host provider server for the most part.

From: Shapeshifterry , 2 months, post #1628
A young man points a gun at his colleague, runs his hand through his hair and turns into a black woman who continues to point the gun at his colleague

From: smrwilly , 2 months, post #1629
@Nope : I think it all comes down to the more or less approximate level of English-Chinese translation on each browser.

From: guest (Meiboo) , 2 months, post #1630
"Oh, isn't Michelle coming to work today?"
"Just a moment, I'll go get her."
"Hello, Mr. David."

PS. Test new share button

From: guest , 2 months, post #1631
That share button is a such a welcome feature as I had to download clips posted here in order to watch them, which is annoying. We also get to see the prompt used, which I think we sort of lack good consistent prompt sharing in this community - plenty of clips but not enough prompt descriptions which we then have to ask what was the prompt and hope we get an answer. Hopefully this feature will help us help each other with creating good gens.

From: guest (Inquirer) , 2 months, post #1632
Meiboo, those soul transference videos are so cool! What is the prompt you use?

From: smrwilly , 2 months, post #1633
Thanks God, a share button with prompts included! I couldn't stand reading to everyone asking about everyone else's prompts. Best idea ever since creation of Hailuo.

From: hskfmn , 2 months, post #1634
“I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to run — it’s nearly 4’o’clock, and I need to get to cheer practice!”

From: guest (Big mike) , 2 months, post #1635

From: guest , 2 months, post #1636
some transformations when standing
Currently it is still mixed with standing and bending/stretch out hands actions

Maybe will try standing up while cleans the face,scratching/caressing cheek

From: guest (Meiboo) , 2 months, post #1637
@Inquirer #1633

This is my prompt. All my clips use the same prompt.

From: guest (chronicstuss) , 1 months, post #1638
Happy to see you can share links again. A couple to share:

Polyjuice potions

Magic eyeglasses:

Magic eyeglasses part 2:

From: hskfmn , 1 months, post #1639
I'm having way too much fun with the image-to-video function! xD

From: smrwilly , 1 months, post #1640
The first one is incredible! You wake me up! :D

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