From: guest (guest)
, 10 months, post #41 |
@post 39
Youre missing my point. This generation just prefers watching
modern dramas, live action sci-fi and action films than watching
old-style stuffs. The X-men 97' leans toward those fans who watched
the 90's series, so this is technically not a kids show anymore.
From: guest
, 10 months, post #42 |
Mystique appeared in the opening of X men 97. Hopefully she'll made
an appearance or she could appear through Morph by changing into
her which would be interesting
From: JetAbyss
, 10 months, post #43 |
on a slightly unrelated note *but* related to Mystique now that I
got reminded- I really hate how I missed out on the chance to
unlock the Mystique skin in Fortnite. It was from a limited time
event a few years ago and it had a cool built-in emote where you
can shapeshift into the last person you killed (purely cosmetic)
and that wouldve been so cool to try! I mean tbf id probably only
just play the game for a week after unlocking it then completely
switch to a different shooter game, but still. :'(
From: guest
, 10 months, post #44 |
Post #42, Yes, Mystique stayed in the intro even some of characters
was changed for that "running scene" in the end.
Makes me wonder, maybe Valerie Cooper could be actually Mystique in
disguise. According to Wikipedia she is "a doctor with her own
agenda". In comics Mystique has taken Cooper's form several times
and once impersonated her a longer time. I recall she was also
working for the government (under her human disguise) whenClick to show spoiler
Fgbez ybfg ure cbjref gur fnzr jnl nf va gur fubj. Va pbzvpf gubhtu
vg jnf Sbetr jub qrirybcrq gung jrncba.
This is just something came to my mind, I haven't seen any
speculations about this.
From: guest (fff)
, 10 months, post #45 |
@post 44 in which comic and issue mystique disguise as cooper??
From: guest
, 10 months, post #46 |
New episode tomorrow
From: DaveS
, 10 months, post #47 |
Morph in Episode 3, two short female TFs:
Click to show spoiler
Zbecu oevrsyl gheaf vagb Fcveny nf n wbxr rneyl va gur rcvfbqr.
Yngre, juvyr svtugvat gur Tboyva Dhrra (Wrna Terl pybar) Zbecu
gheaf vagb Zntvx (Vyvlnan Enfchgva, Pbybffhf' fvfgre). Ohg jura
gurl trg zvaq-pbagebyyrq, Zbecu punatrf vagb n qrzbavp ubearq
irefvba bs Zntvx.
Also see brief appearance of "Dark Morph" from original X-Men
Animated Series.
From: guest
, 10 months, post #48 |
The reviewer was right Spiral made an appearance. Nice
From: guest (bhhhjk)
, 10 months, post #49 |
nice but i hope for more longer female shapeshift in the next
episodes they seems like a cameo for other characters that don’t
appear physically in the show
From: guest
, 10 months, post #50 |
I hope so too----there's plenty of opportunity to feature Morph's
power, for an extended time in a sort of "infiltration mission"
episode etc. Wasted opportunity if they don't----only ever using it
for brief jokes or two-hit moments in fight scenes is a waste.
From: Generic guest name
, 10 months, post #51 |
I really want to see morph play around with the female forms like
in the new episode, maybe not turning them evil but playing around
with it like in the bar
From: guest
, 9 months, post #52 |
Hopefully there'll be a Morph tf since episode 4 will focus on
Storm regaining her powers
From: DaveS
, 9 months, post #53 |
While Morph does make an appearance in Episode 4, no TFs, male or
female. But one of the people he mimicked in Episode 3 - the real
Spiral - makes an appearance.
From: guest
, 9 months, post #54 |
New episode today
From: Generic guest name
, 9 months, post #55 |
I'm gonna guess and say there won't be one
From: guest (Guest 74)
, 9 months, post #56 |
Episodes are every wedsnday............
From: Generic guest name
, 9 months, post #57 |
It'll be Wednesday in a few hours anyway
From: DaveS
, 9 months, post #58 |
Episode 5, no TFs by Morph in their brief appearance (or TFs by
others)... still a good episode though
From: DaveS
, 9 months, post #59 |
BUT, Morph finally makes an appearance in issue #2 of the X-Men '97
tie-in comic book. No gender TFs but there is a short male TF whenClick to show spoiler
ur vf qvfthvfrq nf Fnoergbbgu gb sbby bar bs uvf urapuzra.
. Hopefully this means more Morph in future issues...
From: DaveS
, 9 months, post #60 |
Episode 6: No Morph, but there are some minor TFs.
The first involves the Adversary, the demonic giant crow that bit
and poisoned Forge in Episode 4:Click to show spoiler
jura Fgbez orpbzrf genccrq va n pbssva, gur Nqirefnel'f pebj snpr
genafsbezf vagb gur snprf bs Fgbez naq gur bgure K-Zra, vapyhqvat
Fgbez urefrys Wrna Terl, Ornfg, Jbyirevar, Ebthr, Tnzovg naq
Also Storm's appearance changes somewhat when her powers are
restored in the episode, with long white hair growing out and her
uniform changing to the black caped uniform she wore in the comics
in the 1980s (or the Pryde of the X-Men cartoon).
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