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New Body Swap Film | It’s What’s Inside (2024)
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From: guest (Guest97) , 6 months, post #21

From: guest (Aaa) , 6 months, post #22
I hope someone's able to chat with someone who saw it in Sundance and get the spoilers.

From: guest , 6 months, post #23
Whoever just asked on that thread “Were the swaps good?”, stop that???

From: guest (french pipel) , 6 months, post #24
bro cannot contain himself hahahaha. That is not a fetish subreddit ffs!

From: guest , 6 months, post #25
I often wonder if people realize this is a fetish. Someone said once they feel bad for filmmakers like this guy, who probably don't even know this exists. But I think as long as we're not weird about it ("were the swaps good?") we can all coexist in peace. lol

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 6 months, post #26
Has anyone found out if it's all mtm and ftf or there is mtf as well?

From: guest , 6 months, post #27
The two characters we know about, mentioned in the above spoiler post, are a woman in a woman's body and a man in a man's body. Given what I've read about the movie, I would be shocked if there weren't at least a couple of cross-gender swaps. We also don't know at this point if the body swaps are one-to-one, ie person A is person B, person B is person A, or if everyone's scrambled around among the eight bodies, ie person A is person D, person B is person C, person C is person F, etc.

From: guest (Aaa) , 6 months, post #28
I saw a review saying that the movie is "crushingly heteronormative" which can mean the swaps focus on mtm and ftf.

From: guest (Bla) , 6 months, post #29
Sounds more like a scrambling type (possible even multiple times?) and because there are 4 guys and 4 girls, there should also be cross gender swaps.

This review here has some more plot information:

Click to show spoiler
Ur neevirf yhttvat n fhvgpnfr jvgu uvf “gbc frperg” vairagvba—n qrivpr gung pna fjvgpu zvaqf vagb qvssrerag obqvrf.Lrc, gur Vqvbg Cybg vf va rssrpg. (Gur fgbel hasbyqf orpnhfr rirelbar vf qhzo naq gubhtugyrff.) Gur sevraqf nterr gb cyht gurzfryirf vagb gur tvmzb, juvyr Sbeorf, nf Tnzrf Znfgre, erneenatrf gurve cflpurf urygre-fxrygre (vapyhqvat uvf bja).Gur cneybe tnzr gheaf qnatrebhf, nf byq frpergf, tehqtrf naq ebznagvp ragnatyrzragf ohooyr gb gur fhesnpr.

And also:

Click to show spoiler
Sbeorf fhttrfgf vg nf n cnegl tnzr gb frr vs rirelbar pna thrff va juvpu obql gurve sevraq raqrq hc. Gur tnzr trgf pbzcyvpngrq jura fbzr sevraqf qba'g jnag gb fjvgpu onpx naq bguref ner pneryrff jvgu gurve obeebjrq obqvrf.

From: guest (Gnosis) , 6 months, post #30
Here's one review that gives away slightly more than the others:

"(Forbes) brings along a strange suitcase that will allow all of them to switch bodies with each other. This is used for a game where they all try to guess who is who, but it quickly becomes clear not all the participants are interested in simply playing around."

"What can be said is that the group soon finds themselves in the wrong bodies and with quite a serious predicament on their hands about how they’re going to switch back following an accident." (I'm guessing someone accidentally injured or killed themselves)

From: guest (Imlost) , 6 months, post #31
Judging by the spoilers this movie seems like a dark take on the idea. Reading that characters are getting cut off there is definitely a chance for some hot action as well but i guess if your in to it, may be great for those people but for others who prefer a light hearted take, until one of us gives a review keep your excitements down

From: guest (Bla) , 6 months, post #32
Another review that reveals a bit more about the setting. Overall, it seems that the film is much praised for its directing and editing but not so much for the depth of the characters or the story.

This review here ( also says:

Click to show spoiler
Znxvat rnpu bs gur zngpuhcf fgevpgyl znyr-srznyr yvzvgf gur cbgragvny sbe whvpvre evinyevrf be ubzbrebgvp grafvbaf gb fhesnpr, naq enpvny qvssreraprf jvguva gur tebhc — jvgu n Oynpx punenpgre grfg-qevivat gur vqragvgl bs n juvgr qhqr naq ivpr irefn — lvryq abguvat zber vagrerfgvat guna n jvfrpenpx be gjb.

Which somehow now lowered my expectations of this movie…

From: guest , 6 months, post #33
Many Sundance reviews I read describe the movie as heteronormative, so I have very little hope for anything interesting.

From: guest (Guust) , 6 months, post #34
Another disappointment, I saw a review on letterboxd saying that a demerit for the movie is that there's no Scooby-Doo scene where Fred obsesses over Daphne's body.

From: guest (Guest) , 6 months, post #35
Thank goodness I didnt have high hopes for this film.

From: guest (Bla) , 6 months, post #36
Thats really a bummer then. Lost chance…

Let’s hope the hype will spark a similar movie that has the gender-swap equation considered. And then there is also iSwap which is supposed to be released very soon…

From: guest , 6 months, post #37
From what I'm reading, I'm not sure we know yet that there are no cross-gender swaps. We know that there are some MtM and FtF swaps, and we know there's apparently no scene of a man groping his female body. Neither of those mean there's no cross-gender swaps. Heteronormativity doesn't necessarily mean no cross-gender swaps. There's the bit about "matchups" in the spoiler text of Bla's post above, but it's not clear to me whether matchups refers to who swaps with whom, who's dating whom before the swap, who has sex with whom after the swap... it does sound like there isn't a lot of super kinky MtF stuff, but I'm holding out hope that there's some gender swapping until we here more definitively otherwise.

From: guest , 6 months, post #38
To add t what I said in post #37, the Reddit spoiler mentions a "final swap," and the comments contain this exchange:

"Same gender swap right?"

"At the end...yes"

"Final swap" implies multiple swaps, and specifying that the swaps are same gender "at the end" implies that there are MtF/FtM swaps but that by the end of the movie all the characters are in bodies of their own gender. So I think there's some gender swapping for those who want it, even if it's probably not going to be as exciting as we might hope.

From: guest , 6 months, post #39
And there's this from a site called Books and Film Globe: "Greg Jardin’s wickedly clever It’s What’s Inside leans heavily into Gen-Y gender fluidity and identity dysphoria with a delicious bleeding-edge tech conceit."

From: guest (Devil) , 6 months, post #40
How to watch it's what's inside movie without Netflix

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