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New Body Swap Film | It’s What’s Inside (2024)
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From: guest (Gnosis) , 3 months, post #121
Here's another guide from Netflix if you get confused with the swaps:

From: guest (Guest 42) , 3 months, post #122
Thought the many make out scenes were hot the movie itself was so boring

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 3 months, post #123
Thanks Guest for the info.

From: guest (VexenFox) , 3 months, post #124
I really liked it! It doesn't go too heavy on *erotic* body swaps and nobody seems very interested in their physical forms, but it has plenty of power-play type stuff where people are arguing / fighting with their original bodies, and it's *really* well made -- the swaps feel very believable, the actors do a great job, and the immersion is there in a really solid way.

From: guest (Thepen) , 3 months, post #125
This might be the best body swapping movie of all time

From: guest (Bla) , 3 months, post #126
Can anyone access this website? Diesnt seem to work in my location

From: guest (VexenFox) , 3 months, post #127
Site works for me, though I didn't try playing the game. Cool idea -- I imagine it's using AI to live-deepfake.

From: guest , 3 months, post #128
My social anxiety is too bad for something like this game, but I'd love to see others play it. Hopefully we'll have some videos somewhere of people playing it!

From: guest (Bla) , 3 months, post #129

From: guest , 3 months, post #130
"I'm copying and pasting this from another answer I gave: Yes, there was initially a bunch of exposition / explanation as to why they don't do gender swaps in the script. Forbes suggests everyone sticks to their own genders at first, in order to ease in to the body swapping of it all. That 'rule' was initially put in place as a means of trying to contain all of the possibilities of who could go into who, IE it's less narratively complicated if you can only swap into 3 people as opposed to 7. But then when we were about to shoot, I cut the explanation because I thought it felt too expositional. But so many people have asked me about this that I probably shouldn't have!" - From the Director/Writer of the film on why there's barely any tg

From: guest (Nike) , 3 months, post #131
>> This might be the best body swapping movie of all time

Whaaat? It's a total disappointment. Such a potential and such a fail :(

From: guest , 3 months, post #132
Its got f2f m2m f2m m2f

From: guest , 3 months, post #133
Here's a video of someone playing the game. You can see the game being played from some of the other players' perspectives on Twitch. It's not great. The faces warp in bizarre ways, and cross-gender voices aren't convincing. It's probably not worth playing, but it's interesting to see what it looks like. Maybe a version of this made a few years from now would have been more convincing?

From: guest (Concrete) , 3 months, post #134
I came to write exactly what Thepen said, this is probably the best movie ever using the body swap concept.

I get some of you are dissatisfied that it doesn't cater to your fetishes, but it's not made for that. It's cleverly written and directed, and in fact I thought it does a good job of transmitting the idea that being in another's body can be a fantasy to some.

From: guest (Spyeye) , 3 months, post #135

From: guest , 3 months, post #136
i'll be the third to say that i also think this is the best body swap movie of all time. the bar is so low as far as "being a well-made and comprehensive movie" goes that i actually dislike most body swap movies quality-wise. and the recent "le sens de la famille" was one of the best in my opinion before this released. before that, i thought pretty much all of them sucked.

i was also one of the people in the camp who was disappointed to hear of the conservative use of mtf when the news broke months ago, as that's really all i'm looking for in body swap movies because i don't expect much from them, but i have to say i thoroughly enjoyed this movie. well done symbolism, proper stakes and consequences, and EASILY the best acting i've EVER seen in a body swap movie. all this combined i didn't mind the shortage of mtf at all. i thought the plot justified the way the swaps worked and ultimately i felt like i enjoyed a decent and competently made movie for once (in this genre). i will certainly keep this director on my radar.

From: guest , 3 months, post #137
I'm going to agree here. The best and most realistic body swap movie I've ever seen. And I hope there's a sequel, there are a lot of directions they could go. It was really similar to iSwap but this was so much better and more well done. But both showed us there's a lot more to body swap films than we've seen before. So much potential. I hope this movie inspires more like it.

From: guest , 3 months, post #138
Agree. Best bodyswap movie. Takes advantage of all that it can with all the tropes while remaining a mainstream movie (so, no NSFW stuff). In fact, if you think about it, there's a reason that the women swap with each other and the men swap with each other. Nice surprise ending. I didn't read the spoilers. I enjoyed the movie.

For those that wanted men cupping their own breasts, that's called "porn". This movie has what's called "plot". Apparently the two are mutually exclusive. "Porn" is a dime a dozen. This movie has "plot" -- and a pretty damn good one, too.

From: guest (Guest) , 3 months, post #139
We get it. This movie is phenomenon yada yada yada. But where did u get that "porn' and "plot" thingy?

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