From: Casey
, 41 months, post #21 |
Here's an article with an interview of the director of Homebody: http://fanbasepress.com/index.php/press/interviews/movies/item/12028-fanbase-press-interviews-joseph-sackett-on-the-upcoming-release-of-the-film-homebody
From: Casey
, 41 months, post #22 |
The director mentioned he did a short film with the same actors
which is like a prequel to the movie called I Was In Your Blood. I
feel like this is like a teaser/trailer to the movie.
Link: https://vimeo.com/320804677
Clickable Link: I Was In Your Blood
From: Valkan
, 41 months, post #23 |
Thanks for sharing. That interview convinced me to get a virtual
ticket. Didn't realize the writer/director was also genderqueer.
From: Tuggy24g
, 41 months, post #24 |
Some pictures I found of the movie
From: guest (Guest)
, 41 months, post #25 |
Is this it?
From: ColoradoDog
, 41 months, post #26 |
@Guest Yes, I think that's the movie - Wish it was a higher quality
recording though :(
From: guest (Homelander)
, 41 months, post #27 |
Wow, is that the actress for Amazon The Boys series?
From: guest (Question)
, 41 months, post #28 |
Did someone record the whole movie and not only the 6 mins from
From: guest
, 41 months, post #29 |
I wish I could see it, but sadly the ticket could only be paid in
dollar for :( I hope it will be available somewhere sometime.
From: guest
, 41 months, post #30 |
From: Valkan
, 41 months, post #31 |
Recording and sharing the full movie would be pirating. I get
pirating when it comes to big studio motion pictures, but when it
comes to small indie films pirating hurts the creators a lot more
From: guest (B)
, 41 months, post #32 |
Hmmm but no one cares about what you think
From: guest (Pirate)
, 41 months, post #33 |
agree with B
From: guest (Bob)
, 41 months, post #34 |
Strongly Agree with Valkan
From: ColoradoDog
, 41 months, post #35 |
Thank you @guest. And I agree with @B and @Pirate
From: guest
, 41 months, post #36 |
I agree with you, Valkan. But I also can understand that people
want to see it and it is currently not available worldwide, however
I hope that will change somehow
From: guest (Tights)
, 41 months, post #37 |
I also agree with B. I really can't stand those people on their
moral highgrounds thinking they are some sort of gandhi for not
pirating shit. Also, thank you for posting the link post #30.
From: guest (B)
, 41 months, post #38 |
Thanks for support it is very convenient to stand on moral high
ground say that
From: whitetights
, 41 months, post #39 |
Okay, I finished watching it, here are some of my thoughts:
- Edited: Holy shit this end up getting bigger than I expected.
First of all, the quality of the movie, like the shooting and
acting, was all pretty solid. I say that because, I imagine that
the budget wasn't that big, although you couldn't tell this at all
by just watching the film. It was really well-edited, and the
actors had pretty good performances, the director was really smart
and able to navigate through budget limitations and create an indie
movie that doesn't feel cheap at all (unlike many many many movies
that people post here addressing similar themes). The dynamic and
acting between the babysitter and the little boy was so smooth,
there was some sort of chemistry going on between them.
About the idea in itself, I always find it interesting when
directors address the body swap/body possession/gender-bender
thematic, etc... in an unconventional way, in a manner that differs
from the "Freak Friday-like" clichés.
Movies like "Prelude to a Kiss" for instance did that pretty well,
and here they certainly were able to achieve that, in my humble
opinion. There was some sort of slightly comic surrealism in the
whole thing, a fantasy-like vibe, like the whole thing was a fairy
tale or a lucid dream. This was probably aided by the soundtrack
which is so present in the movie, almost as if it were a character
in itself, like you really feel it, it is there, it is present. The
music genre itself also reminded me of "Pushing Daisies", actually
the storytelling in itself reminded me of "Pushing Daisies", there
is a fantasy-like feeling in the music and narrative that evoke it
(maybe the fact that "Pushing Daisies" was also a show dealing with
fantasy and magic helped me to make this association).
It's also interesting how they didn't mind explaining that much
about how and why the possession happened, oftentimes this gets
under my skin, but I think just saying "well, it was magic" really
suits the dream-like film narrative and make us to focus on what
matters here, which is primarily the boy's perspective. Which is
also why I think it was interesting that they made this a body
possession film rather than a body swap (even though I most of the
time prefer body swap films). You didn't have to worry and waste
time with the woman trapped in the little boy' body exploring her
reality and yadda yadda, which would only take time from the film
telling the story of the main character.
I absolutely loved how the little boy explores his own... I don't
know... his own gender identity/sexuality, I think (I mean, he
clearly seems to – at the very least – fantasize with the idea of
being a girl), and he sorta explorers his questions and gender
identity/sexuality through his babysitter's body. The boy seems to
love his babysitter while at the same time... wanting to be her or
to be like her and, well, to me this really hit home. Maybe I'm
just projecting, but if you ever heard about "Autoginefilia" you
probably saw this feeling in the boy… and these aspects definitely
resonate with me, cause that's how I felt towards women throughout
all my life, that's how I felt towards women until this very day:
“a mist between desire and envy.”
I loved how attention to details the director was, especially when
the boy goes up dressing himself with his mum's clothes. He dresses
himself particularly fancy in a mature way, like, for instance, you
see that his wearing nude pantyhose. This was such an interesting
well-thought detail cause, most women don't wear nude stockings
these days – sadly – maybe only if they really want to dress up and
go somewhere fancy. But regardless, there's a feminine charm around
them... like if you had to choose one clothing item to represent
femininity, this would probably be a pair of nude pantyhose. Maybe
I'm just reading too much, but it was a pretty nice detail. The
sort of details so deep that... I wouldn't be surprised if the
director itself had examined or questioned his own gender. If he
didn't, he did his homework pretty well.
Also, interestingly, you usually don't see this sort of approach of
a boy – whether through body swap or body possession – waking up in
the body of a grown woman. In other words, you don't have that many
movies showing both GENDER and AGE being changed. Previously, you
have movies like "Lyubov-Morkov 2", where the parents and their
kids switch bodies, but the feeling and the movie narrative is
totally "Freaky Friday-ish", also you don't have the change of
gender there; the daughter switch bodies with the mother and the
boy switch bodies with the father. And, of course, somewhat more
rarely, you have movies of little boys and little girls switching
bodies, such as the German film "Hilfe, ich bin ein Junge" (another
honorary mention here would be "Shishunki Bitter Change", which
also has a nice concept, but it's a manga)
Anyway, going back to "HomeBody", listen, I will be straight with
you, I usually watch this sort of movies to jerk off. And, well I
did, a lot, especially in the scene showing him inside his
babysitter's body trying out his mum's clothes, but what I'm trying
to say here is that this was an honest good to earth movie, the
sort of thing that even people who don't have this kink could and
probably would appreciate.
All in all, this movie made me think of how underexplored current
stories of body swap/body possession/etc.. are, at least talking
about the stories being told in mainstream pop culture. You have
great concepts going around, especially in fanfic, mangas, and
other somewhat niche outlets, like "The Great Shift" concept for
instance, it would be pretty interesting if someone brought those
same concepts and ideas to more films and TV shows.
To finish it off, if you have money, and you can buy this film, I
would definitely recommend you to buy it, the director definitely
deserves it. Also, best movie scene by far:
From: Artspeoplechanel
, 41 months, post #40 |
nice review whitetights
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