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tail scenes in movies/commercials/cartoons/shows?
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From: guest , 18 months, post #701
some unknown short film

From: guest , 18 months, post #702
Here's a video essay about transformation in media

From: guest , 18 months, post #703
Here's a video essay about transformation in media

From: guest (MaroonDefender) , 17 months, post #704
@post 701 - That's actually quite good for a short film honestly.
But someone also mentioned earlier in the thread that this needs a clean up and I agree.
So I'll just post my favs here and that might give newcomers some new material to head towards.

I'm more into female tail scenes but obvious one for everyone:
Jumanji - Peter Monkey Transformation
(Same goes for the Cartoon TV series, plenty of moments in there)


Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant - Rebecca is a Monkey girl, few good scenes.
Dark Haul (2014 film) - Small bit at the end where she becomes a demon with a tail for a bit (it's obvious CGI but it's ok)
Ginger Snaps - Ginger grows a tail as she becomes a Werewolf and some scenes show it prominently.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Doric (played by Sophia Lillis) is a Tiefling/Druid and has a tail throughout the movie. There's a part where she uses the tail to hold onto another character.
Piaffe - A movie about an artist who grows a Horse tail. Should be released in the next few days hopefully.
Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets - Hermione cat transformation with a tail for a few seconds.
Twitches Too - Movie has one of the main characters grow a dog tail from a spell from her sister, it's at the start and looks a little goofy but it's ok.
Thale (2012 Film) Has a Huldra in it and there's a specific scene where she lifts the tail up and moves it about. It's pretty cool.
Wonder Woman 1984 - You have Cheetah in it in a fight scene. It's not too exciting but it's something.


Lost Girl S05E05 - It's your lucky Fae - Main character slowly becomes more cat like and grows a tail near the end of the episode.
My Babysitter's a Vampire: S02E06: Village of Darned - 2 main characters who are vampires get Rat like tails.
Andromeda - The first 2 seasons with Trance Gemini in her original state. She has a prehensile tail that's shown quite a lot and joked about.
Powers S02E04 - Stealing Fire - One of the characters becomes cat like in the final act with a tail that she uses to fight with.
Evil S02E10 - O is for Ovaphobia - Lexi grows a lizard tail and shows it in a few scenes.
That's So Raven S02E02 - Don't have a Cow - Both main female characters slowly become cows and tails are one of the first things to appear.
Sabrina The Teenage Witch S07E19 - You Slay Me - Sabrina grows a Dragon tail, it's a bit silly but it works.
I don't know what this is or where it's from but it's a short video of a bunch of people in a Hospital with tails, like an alternate universe.
This Korean show ( - Female character grows cat ears and a tail and it's shown a little bit.


Kim Possible S02E21 - The Full Monkey - Kim becomes a Monkey slowly over the episode with a tail used throughout.
Jackie Chan Adventures S05E06 - Mirror, Mirror - Jade becomes a Donkey but has a tail and can be seen through the episode.
The Boys Presents S01E04 - Diabolical - Main female character uses a potion and becomes cat like with a tail.
Totally Spies - Do I need to say much here lol
Martin Mystery also, only one episode to note and that's "It's Alive".


Lucy's Tale - A short film on Alter with a girl who grows a tail and is shown a lot through the film.
Stars - Changes (Music Video - Girl in it grows a small tail half way in and is shown throughout.
Matanza - Mulher Diabo (Music Video - A bunch of female succubus with tails. Right at the start too.
Black Hole - Short film ( - One character has a tail from a mutation. CGI and practical as well.
Something I find alright is a cosplay from the game Planescape Torment of Annah ( - The cosplay is good but the game is also equally as good.
This is good as per post 701:

There's probably a LOT more that I am missing but these are just some of the ones that come to mind. Hope some of you haven't seen some of them. Just thought I'd try and put some of them in a list. Thanks for the finds from others also!

From: guest (Yue) , 17 months, post #705
A Happy Life - ep 69, severals Fox fairy women shows their tail at 12:44

From: guest (3dt) , 17 months, post #706
Kano2000 11 days, post #692 your link has expired
I don't have much free time, but I'll try

From: guest (Kano2000) , 17 months, post #707
A fresh link for 3dt, if you're still interested:

And what a lovely kitty tail <3

From: guest (RottenBrain) , 17 months, post #708

From: guest , 17 months, post #709
Good stuff right here

From: guest , 17 months, post #710
In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen there's a part where a woman grows a robotic tail at 0:52

From: guest , 17 months, post #711
In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen there's a part where a woman grows a robotic tail at 0:52

From: guest , 17 months, post #712
In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen there's a part where a woman grows a robotic tail at 0:52

From: guest (Guest) , 17 months, post #713
Even though not a great movie, I love seeing the tail stretch out

From: guest (TailGuy) , 17 months, post #714
I'm surprised no one has posted this yet. Great animation with nice emphasis on tail:

He posted the video here:

From: guest , 17 months, post #715
Here's a couple YT playlists I've found:

From: guest , 17 months, post #716
There's an episode of Adventure Time where Fin gets turned into a "hug wolf", and there's several videos on YouTube about this episode but here's the first result.

There's also an episode of Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles where the villains get turned into animals. I'm sure you guys can find the full episode. But here's the part where Batman turns into a bat:

From: guest , 16 months, post #717
girl tailgrowth

From: guest , 16 months, post #718
In the game RATUZ a guy turns into a rat monster at 0:50

From: guest (gueust) , 16 months, post #719
Why no two tails? That's sound like fun

From: guest , 16 months, post #720

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