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Multiple bodies [one person controls or is in two bodies]
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From: guest , 98 months, post #101
@guest #99 Thanks for the heads up! I was wondering: do you mean no TG in the chapter or no TG in the whole series?

From: JetAbyss , 98 months, post #102
No TG in chapter 25. The majority of Mayonaka is jam packed with TG. :)

From: guest (BOb) , 98 months, post #103
JohnG really left us???????? ='(

From: JetAbyss , 98 months, post #104

From: guest (leon) , 98 months, post #105
@guest #97, bob
Oh. Well...bummer if it's true =(
Weird even. What about that active discussion about I Know That Ghost, people chipping in their ideas with him, getting feedback and such? Maybe we shouldn't jump into conclusions.

I didn't know that, but I think it'd be great if you did start a story! Did you check out that site? I really like the interface and how easy and uncluttered it is compared to, though I don't know if there's any paid membership requirement there.

@guest #99
Thanks for the update! (Even if the multi-body story is done)

Found another interactive:
Identity Theft by jedijohn

And it seems the recently released RCT-927 has multiple possession.

From: barackobrahma , 98 months, post #106
Zapper, the great, contributing to this theme:

It looks like was true... we lost a great writer, as well his writings. =/

From: barackobrahma , 97 months, post #107
Found a manga... kind of this trope, but with body swap involved. No more spoilers.

Touhou TS Monogatari ~Flandre-hen~

From: guest (leon) , 97 months, post #108
Great cap! Reading the comments, it seems it's not quite Zapper's thing and won't continue =(
(Maybe just for that series? And it's not tagged multi-body.)

And I was hoping it wasn't a permanent thing =( Sad to see JohnG and the work of all the other authors just disappear. I hope there wasn't anything serious that made him leave like that.
I don't know how exactly works for authors, but times like this I wish there was an easy backup feature in case the authors changed their mind. You never know which ones will get deleted next. Imagine you wanted to catch a film on Netflix or whatever and suddenly it's off the market with no prior warning. Should we just waste bandwidth on making offline backups of every freaking interactive/story in case they disappear too?

Enough of me babbling. Here's some more stuff but don't expect much:

(M2F)(NSFW) Some caps:

(M2F) ONE chapter by Lexirose (yes a single chapter ) in the "Cut and Paste Science interactive" by Zhiral

(M2M) Story by Drakkenfyre (might require an account)

From: JetAbyss , 97 months, post #109 Mayonaka is over.

From: JetAbyss , 97 months, post #110

From: guest , 97 months, post #111
Thanks for the heads up! I actually tried the link at the end of the manga and it worked. It redirected to an important part of the series.

From: JetAbyss , 97 months, post #112
It's a shame it ended all too soon. Ending felt rushed and somewhat fufilling, but I loved it nonetheless. I like the little part at the end of 27, kinda has a nice open to interpretation. :P

From: barackobrahma , 97 months, post #113
I don't know how exactly works for authors, but times like this I wish there was an easy backup feature in case the authors changed their mind. You never know which ones will get deleted next. Imagine you wanted to catch a film on Netflix or whatever and suddenly it's off the market with no prior warning. Should we just waste bandwidth on making offline backups of every freaking interactive/story in case they disappear too?
Well, I have part of A Few Heads here. Just the biggest arc, but none of the other dozens... sometimes I think it might be better create a webscrapper and do this automatically. This way, might even be possible to create a new gui, with a graph/tree representation, nodes being chapters and their relationship with edges. Right now, seems outdated... in the 90s would have been a good interface, but not now. Specially in those stories with arcs containing more than 50 chapters, ie, The Good Ones, since horizontal bar breaks, and you can just solve the little bug by selecting something in the far right, forcing the bar expanding, so now you can have the rolling effect again. Update the page and you loose it again.
But something tells me that they dont have money to do a decent update... a lot of advertisement appeared... and that maybe be as an alert: the total collapse. I think that is one of the oldest sites still alive on internet, which doesn't have a big dotcom behind them.

About Netflix, that might happen... specially if you are watching an old series, like I do sometimes. They just cut something from their catalogue without much announcement.

Cliffhangers everywhere! =P
Hoping for a sequel!

From: guest , 96 months, post #114
How many of the links here are about multiple copies of one mind in multiple bodies (clones), and how many are about one mind split between multiple bodies (hive mind)?

I like both, but I'm much more a fan of hive mind stuff (Student Bodies) than clone stuff (Abuse of Power).

From: guest , 96 months, post #115
I have been able to develop a scrapper that archives stories along with (most) of the images. I took a break from writing to develop it and it is buggy but it works well enough that I have around 200 stories backed up. Sadly, JohnG stories were at the bottom of the list of ones I wanted to archive. Hopefully, I can we upload it on some other website. Any suggestions on where to upload once stories disappear?

From: guest , 96 months, post #116
I would suggest going to CHYOA.

From: guest , 96 months, post #117
That's a good idea. I have used that site and it has a great options. I might be able to clean up some stories with decision trees. Any good image hosts that can be used ?

From: guest (raaj) , 96 months, post #118
There is a youtube link in a new what's this thread from about 9 hours ago that seems to meet this threads intent. Just a heads up.

From: guest (moose) , 96 months, post #119
....what thread what link do you have any links or any sites what

From: guest (raaj) , 96 months, post #120
This is the link The Switcher posted earlier. I was trying to avoid duplicating threads, sorry.

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