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Multiple bodies [one person controls or is in two bodies]
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From: cj , 115 months, post #21
I wonder if Eric & Raven's "In Your Dreams" - <> (NSFW ) - would be of interest.

Click to show spoiler
Vg qrnyf jvgu fcyvggvat n fcyvg crefbanyvgl crefba. Bar crefbanyvgl fjncf obqvrf jvgu n qbpgbe/fpvragvfg, juvyr gur bgure erznvaf va gur bevtvany obql jvgu gur obql-fjnccrq zna. V jba'g fcbvy vg nal shegure guna gung.

From: barackobrahma , 115 months, post #22
There is a similar thread. Maybe it can help.

From: barackobrahma , 115 months, post #23
Similar my *ss. Dont ever get drunk to the internet again.

This one is the similar:

From: guest (leon) , 115 months, post #24
Thanks for linking that thread. I had already checked out all the suggestions there, but it might be helpful for other people searching for it.

Thanks for the suggestion. A bit dark for my taste, but it certainly has a unique style.

Meanwhile, I've found some more storylines (mostly incorporating the clone variation):

(M2F possession) Character possesses a co-worker, leaving a clone in his own body.

(F2F, F2M swap/possession) Mother of the protagonist takes control of both the protagonist and his sister. Brief.

(M2M possession) Protagonist takes over his brother, leaving his own body in a soulless state. Events lead to his original body to revert to his own consciousness while retaining control of his brother.

(M2F possession) Clones of the protagonist take over multiple people. Occasionally, he switches control between them.

(Various) This one has demons (or people made into demons) and some of them have the ability to send clones into other people.

(M2F, M2M skinsuit/possesion) Friends of the protagonist play around with a pen with the ability to send clones into others.

And I remember one relatively small interactive that was deleted some time ago IIRC (can't seem to find it if it's still around), which had the protagonist take over his friends body while keeping control of his own. I think he possessed his body first, which left his original body in a zombie state that he had control over, and then he learned how to switch back and forth in the following chapter, effectively controlling two bodies towards the end. (I think it mostly had M2M possession/swap. One of the authors could've been PixelMover, I'm not sure.)
Anyone remember anything like that?

From: guest (leon) , 114 months, post #25
One of the recent Rick and Morty episodes in season 2 titled Auto Erotic Assimilation has this
Click to show spoiler
nyvra uvir zvaq gung gnxrf bire na ragver cynarg, naq nccneragyl vf na rk bs Evpx. Fur gnyxf naq npgf guebhtu inevbhf crbcyr guebhtubhg gur rcvfbqr.

Don't know if it'll work for everyone, but link here:

From: guest (leon) , 114 months, post #26
Some more "hidden" interactive storylines:


And an image from pixiv for good measure:
(you might need an account, it's free)

From: guest , 114 months, post #27
Another hidden one.

From: guest (leon) , 113 months, post #28
Don't think it was mentioned. This relatively new storyline by Wassel is pretty good:


From: guest (MrInternetMan) , 113 months, post #29
I recently completed another sequence where a character splits into multiple bodies. Just a warning that it contains sexual content and is Not Safe For Work.

From: guest (SwitchGuy) , 113 months, post #30
Here's one of mine on FM. A guy controls his wife's body and his wife's frenemy's body, while his wife controls his body.

From: guest (barackobrahma) , 107 months, post #31
Hey, folks... found a hentai!

"INSERT LEVEL 4- Danjo Kousaku Ecstasy" from taniguchi-san.
There are Insert level 1 to 6 (called "last update"), with all containing possession... but in level 4 and 5:
Click to show spoiler
Ur cbffrff obgu uvf fgrc zbgure naq fgrc fvfgre.

From: guest (leon) , 107 months, post #32
AND it's translated! (somewhat)

Thanks barackobrahma!

From: guest (barackobrahma) , 107 months, post #33
You're welcome!

Just keep lookin'... there are hidden gems all over the internet! =]

From: guest (leon) , 107 months, post #34
This new storyline with possession:

From: guest (Captain Pickle) , 107 months, post #35
@switchguy (post #30)

I love that story! is there a sequel/update coming? :)

From: guest (switchguy) , 107 months, post #36
@Captain Pickle - I've got the next one sketched out. I just have to find the 20+ or so hours I need to work and edit it.

Thanks for your comment!! I'm really glad you liked it!

From: guest (xxxj7xxx) , 107 months, post #37
there was a character called Miss Level in one of the Terry Pratchet books featuring Tiffany Aching A Hatfull of sky

who had one mind but two bodies

From: guest (yourboobsmybody) , 107 months, post #38
As requested by some readers I've begun to play around with this idea as well on my caption site. One was already posted today and another one is scheduled to be out tomorrow!

[Link is NSFW, but you're on a fetish discussion board, not sure why you'd be looking at this at work.

From: guest (barackobrahma) , 107 months, post #39
Indeed you did! Congratz, YBMB!

From: guest (barackobrahma) , 107 months, post #40

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