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Comment: El Loco Bruja's Bruja-ha-ha
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El Loco Bruja's Bruja-ha-ha
Abigail Soto is the artist and writer of growing fame on Digital Arts and beyond. Her DA site is full of hundreds of TF pictures where her magical characters lay to waste everyone from the average Joe to comic book superheroes. Most famous of her characters is a nigh-omnipotent sadistic and bra ...more
From: guest (Rubby Roo) , 213 months, post #1
I have a DA site and I've been seeing a lot of this person. Her character Lucinda is very popular.
I really like her work. And I really like the stories.
Worth a peek

From: guest (csifan) , 207 months, post #2
I'm a big fan of her Lucinda character!


From: guest (a) , 207 months, post #3
Meh... I've never really been a fan. She's really just seems like a carbon copy fusion of Naga's The Sorceress and the Witch Girls comics.

Speaking of which, i'm surprised Naga's Den isn't up here...

From: cj , 207 months, post #4
>>> "Speaking of which, i'm surprised Naga's Den isn't up here..."

Actually, it is in the database. Naga's Den entry

From: guest , 207 months, post #5
I think The sorceress and Lucinda has some things in common but not a lot. Personally I like both.

And should we really complain? I mean we have two artist doing Primo work, beats the bad ol days. so meh to the meh

From: guest , 207 months, post #6
I don't see any problem with people saying when something isn't their cup of tea. They aren't going on and flaming the person or continuously complaining about it. Personally, I'd like to see the Lucinda character be something less than nearly omnipotently powerful, but what she is works very well for her fanbase, so she's doing something right.

From: guest (csifan) , 207 months, post #7
i agree. no need to flame

From: guest , 207 months, post #8
I think its all mute (Naga's sorceress vs, Lucinda) as both have done fan art for the other so I guess they like each others work.

I think Naga's stuff is more adult but the Lucinda stuff is very fun and wicked.
So they both have a place I think.

From: guest (UN Owen) , 207 months, post #9
I don't care for the attitude of either the character or the creator. She's really quite an ametuer (or at least, as an extremely ameteur artist, any time I see a mistake in someone's artwork that I wouldn't make myself, I assume it must be an ameteur mistake), but she seems to think her work is worth upwards of forty dollars. Aside from that, her character has no interesting qualities, is the embodiment of the superman complex ten ways to hell and the overall quality of the stories she writes . . . why would you be interested in reading about a character whose defining characteristic is "I'm so bad and it's so cool?"
Oh, sure, I hear people talk about the Witch Girls character Annebelle (I might have to read that at some point), but from what I've heard, there's a lot more to her than that. Or else, I'm reading too much into it.
I think Ms. Soto gives this genre a bad name and if she had any decency, she'd make a notable effort to improve in all aspects, which I fail to see. Most of us are dablers, and we may produce some form of artwork or storywork from time to time, but there's little that irks me more than someone with very little skill or talent who thinks what they do is worth anything more than personal gratification and maybe a few cheap yucks.

From: guest , 207 months, post #10
didn't you read about the flame thing?

wow you're taking it personally?
did she kick you or something, lol
Do you have a fever?


From: guest , 207 months, post #11
That's not flaming, it's genuine criticism.

From: guest , 206 months, post #12
Lucinda is Okay but I really love her Circe stuff, that's sexy.

Also I forget the name of the story but its in her DA gallery.

Its about the Witch from NYC that goes back to visit her parentsin Iwoa for her aunts funeral.

Great story.

From: guest (UN Owen) , 206 months, post #13
Wow, someone actually recognized genuine criticism. That's a rarity.
It's not a personal thing, I just don't like the attitude at all. She seems to think she's a great artist and she's really only an ametuer and her stories aren't all that great either. I've no talent for either writing or drawing, but I'm pretty sure I could do better at both, if I tried, certainly better at writing. It just bugs me.
Me, I'm into Tfs for my own personal reason, same as anyone else, but I like it to be meaningful (like in Lord Dunsany's "Widow Flynn's Apple Tree") and not just tf for the sake of tf, unless it's really well done, (like it was in Algernon Blackwood's "Ancient Sorceries" and the Theif 1 cinema). I mean, a witch zaps people just so that she can zap them? What's the point? The setup itself is so limited that there's nothing you can really do with it.

From: guest , 203 months, post #14
Just discovered this on DA and the official comic book site.

The art gets better.
I also thought the Transformation A-Z was great.

From: guest , 203 months, post #15
UN Owen, that may have been genuine criticism, and I may agree with some of what you're saying, but it was harsh and borderline flaming, which is what others were trying to point out...

Anyway, my whole, and only, miff about the series is the character's drive... I'm all for tfs for no reason, but when you give the character personality, the personality and the reasoning for the personality become crucial... I personally think the dark, moody personality, and the "I'm evil, and I'm going to elaborately destroy you just for being in front of me," personalities (both influenced by Witch Girls, the main reason I dislike Witch Girls), don't just click, and Ellocobruja is making no effort to make them click, so they stay stagnant.

I suppose that's why random tfs are so fun, you don't really have to think about all that, but, then again, you don't really have to think about it when the personality is done well, look at Naga's art, it just clicks, so I don't go thinking about the Sorceress' psyche when I see random tfs on the site... it's when the personality isn't tendered that completely (I mean, it could work, but Bruja really only established the personality and then went off on a tirade of destruction, usually a good think, but in this case), something Bruja's only now starting to do, really...

However, I am starting to warm up to the character and the series... It's not that bad, so I guess Bruja's doing a smite better job than I do him (her?) credit...

From: DB Cooper , 203 months, post #16
You know it really should be 'La Bruja Loca.'

From: guest (CHUYCABRA) , 202 months, post #17
I'm a big Princess Lucinda fan.
Have anyone heard about the movie?

From: guest , 202 months, post #18
Lucinda is a standard Mary Sue character. She's lacking in depth and personality, which makes the material using her get quite dull. I used to watch her Deviantart, but now I don't, nothing new or interesting ever came from it. It was all shallow, Mary-Sue characters doing whatever they wanted to whatever victim with no real limitations in power.

Of course, it's no wonder she has a lot of internet fans, most Mary Sue characters have a loyal following.

From: guest (CSI FAN) , 202 months, post #19
Dude, I've seen you on post on her Gallery thing.
I remember you saying pretty much the same thing.
Which I guess means you're not very orginal.

And since she's not a fan character and an actuall published character or soon will be (per what I've been reading) she's not really a Mary Sue.
Which I guess makes you an idiot.

And since your so obsessed with her and her character to the point of stalking her to shoot her down across the net. That makes you a Loser.

From: cj , 202 months, post #20
Everyone has their own opinion on things... let's not get personal.

Certainly, point out or correct the facts... and elaborate on why you disagree with others' opinions. Everything else will sort itself out.

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