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"Exiern" webcomic characters discussion
A barbarian tries to rescue a princess from an evil wizard, but unfortunately for him things don't go as planned. The wizard has laid a curse upon his head. Will the barbarian's curse ever be lifted? There is only one way to find out... Early on spoiler: (Spoiler Text) Another spoiler abou ...more
From: cj , 99 months, post #1
Text taken from a post by (Air Gear) on another thread, and moved here:

"... I'm the poster who works on the webcomic Exiern as well as the person who stands up for the Portuguese version of Lalola without fail. Thought I should finally stick a label on my posts.

I'd to discuss with you about getting permission to start a thread.

Basically, it would be about this:

Basically, at its most basic level, Exiern is a webcomic where a number of characters have had their bodies turned to things other than what they left the shop factory floor with. Not everybody's happy with their model upgrades but some are.

What I'm asking for permission to do is start a thread about these characters and ask some advice about their portrayals so far and what works, what doesn't, what could be expanded on, what's been neglected and so on. For one of my examples, I think it's doing some very good work with looking at identity but I feel it could be taking more advantage of its fantasy magical setting in this context (it seems to me too bound by the kind of rules this world has).

Anyway having read a lot of posts and threads here, I feel a lot of this is what a lot of you already talk about already so I guess what I'm asking is if I can start a thread outlining some characters and plot points and ask all your opinions. That's the only reason I've been asking cj to read it, because from what I've seen here and what I know comes up, there's a lot of overlap in terms of issues discussed (obviously, in the case of a webcomic, it's doing so through the mechanisms of a fictional setting).

It would be disingenuous of me to not acknowledge that this could potentially boost traffic but this isn't meant to be an advertising pitch. However, I thought I would ask first before starting a thread precisely because that's exactly what it could look like."

From: cj , 99 months, post #2
If you feel that you need more threads, or character-specific threads, feel free to start them as needed.

... in the mean-time, this should help you get started.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #3
Good Lord, how's that for service? Obligatory sucking up at this point but we've always spoken highly of your site when we talk about it. The referral traffic is always nice too.

OK, I'm going to need a bit of time to write what specifically I was after (I'm not the writer or the artist, I handle advertising, promotion, other logistics and stuff).

So to start with, here's links to both the webcomic and its spinoff so you can actually read it and then my further posts will be rather spoiler heavy at that point, so if you don't want that to happen until you've read the parts in question, you'll know not to read my posts after this one until then.

Page One Here: There's closing on 800 at the moment.

Alternate Dimension One here where the initial events went just a bit differently and the resulting knock-on effect is quite significant. First 45 pages are free, the next 7 or so are in the Patreon, sorry I can't do anything about that. It's only the $1 tier if you want to keep going though. It currently updates with 2 new pages once a month (I promise that's not a pitch but that is currently the only way to see them).

One other thing, this site was a link in the chain that led me to this webcomic in the first place, which I really like and I've made a lot of friends who are authors and artists on other webcomics too because of it. So, thank you for that. I haven't even gotten to how much I've enjoyed Please Come Back Mister (I spent an awful lot of my life trying to learn Korean) and Go Princess Go, both of which I may well not have seen if I hadn't seen the recommendations here. So thanks again I guess, keep up the good work.

From: guest , 99 months, post #4
Will Typhan-Knee continue her journey into Tiffany? I stopped reading as the story turned heavily away from that as a storyline, I know the people at Exiern don't want to ruin the storyline, but I was more interested in the transformative aspects of the series then the politics.

I will check it out again now though and see where the story is going, thanks

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #5
Well, I can't actually spoil it because I have no knowledge of future developments. I get no advance story whatsoever, nor do I want it. In fact, I haven't read the last 33 or so pages.

I will be honest with you though, the current stage of the story, he's reversed course and is resisting (which is why we're mostly all using - by we I mean the commenters - male pronouns he, him, his and Typhan-Knee or Typh, not Typh at the moment. It was a big declarative reaffirmation of identity by the character).

See here:

Next Page:

Next Page Again:

And to date, here's the current state of play. The King, as always, remains awesome.

Still, that's one of the things I'd like to talk about in terms of future directions for the character and what people think, so I guess it's all still up in the air as far as I know. The show's been running fo 11 years already and given the number of plot points they're steadily working through (so there is a plan, promise), it could easily run for another 11 to 15.

So here's your chance to voice an opinion. I can't promise it will influence anything, I can't even say that for myself. Can't hurt either, though so I hope you'll come back and give some observations and what you think. That goes for everyone who wants to take part.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #6
Just to add, life journeys are rarely in one direction from start to finish, so just because the lead character's backtracking at the moment doesn't mean he'll keep going in that direction. For all I know, he could turn around and head back the other way at some point.

We've been talking about Go Princess Go a bit (me and the creative team) because it's not entirely different in terms of how changed circumstances (putting it mildly) can start a personal journey that heads in all sorts of interesting directions, though like real life, it's rarely a straight line in the same direction.

From: guest , 99 months, post #7
Oops, that should read:

"male pronouns he, him, his and Typhan-Knee or Typh, not Tiffany or Tiff ..."

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #8
Whoops, that was me ^.

OK, I'd better drop a topic to get started. One criticism that has been raised about Exiern is that right at the start, the lead character gets his body transformed into a female one and yet doesn't seem terribly out by this. My thoughts were that in this world, even if it's not common, it's also not so unusual as to be not heard of by the populace.

Lead in here:

and finally here, showing how people take things like this in their stride in this world.

So from the point of view of the lead character, he's rescued the king's daughter and is due for a huge reward and it shouldn't be a big issue to find another magician to change him back.

I think this is born out here when a spell cast by members of the priesthood to change him back backfires. The priests who now find themselves in the same situation don't seem terribly bothered either for the same reasons as seems to be the case here.

and next page here:

and so on.

Things only come to a head later when he realises that unlike usual cases of this type, he could be stuck like this forever.

So anyway, that's kind of how it came about and the world its in and what people think of it when things like this happen. I'll go on to talk about the main characters caught up in events like this and how they deal with it in the next post.

From: guest (Post 4) , 99 months, post #9
Hi again,

Yeah that's what I didn't like, it felt like the breaks were put on too soon, but maybe it's just slowed down not changed direction, her clothes still Morph so maybe the curse is still going strong.

I'd like to see it get worse, for Typh to become more of a Tiff and loose her height and muscles, then have to adapt to life without the abilities to be a barbarian, maybe move towards being a rogue or a bard, add lots of character development. I'm not saying he should become a breeding cow, just that he should go from barbaric man to feminine woman and have to adapt to having to change fighting styles and adapt skills.

Other then that I had enjoyed the comic, I enjoyed the links, I've read them all, not sure when I stopped probably a bit before Christmas.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #10
Some of what you describe kind of happens, what's happened since then could be described as (possibly) over-compensatory blowback and compensation (possibly overcorrection).

If you haven't seen this segment, you could start here:

and go all the way through or then skip to here:

and so on.

Some of what you described happened for a while there are least. The character's currently trying to reverse course as much as possible since all this happened but bit varying degrees of success.

I'm going to link to this thread to the creative team when it has enough opinions, so any comments about everything or anything, feel free to include here.

From: guest , 99 months, post #11
I had read some of it, but must have stopped for a bit as I don't remember this hehe really cool, a barbarian that can't tear silk

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #12
Hey, that stuff is *tough*.

"Pound for pound, spider silk is stronger than steel."

From: guest , 99 months, post #13
It would take a lot of spider silk lol, but you are right, I remember a story about people wearing silk in wars as arrows could not piece it, so it made it easy to pull out the arrows when knights were shot, I think it was about feudal Japan... But still lol

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #14
Just saw the Dark Reflections link didn't work *sigh*. Well, until the link can be fixed, let's try that again.

(It does work if you copy and paste it.)

Let's try that again.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #15
Just thought I might as well resurrect this thread instead of using the shameless self-promotion thread, because that's meant to be just about advertising.

As for the characters themselves, looking at the main one, I think what's interesting is that I think the character's realistic in the sense that once it's realised it's not going to be easy to reverse their transformation, they don't like it and they never stop trying to find a way to reverse it. I think that's what most people would do under the circumstances.

As for sexual orientation, that doesn't just change just like that just because your body does and the other dilemma the main character has is that being in a body that hasn't been their own does make the whole situation very awkward indeed. They're not automatically just rolling with it and I think that's quite realistic too.

Thoughts anybody?

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #16
Well, I guess, to clarify, the story doesn't in spite of initial appearances, fall into the usual cliches you'd expect. It's quite refreshing in that sense that it avoids the expected pitfalls.

From: Air Gear , 77 months, post #17
Didn't think I'd be able to find this thread again:

For Valentine's Day and the 14th Valentine's Day Sex Drive are the pages for:


and the spin-off in an alternate universe

Exiern: Dark Reflections

If you follow the instructions on the page, you can then follow the links to the uncensored versions. You could treat them as a before and after set of images, which they kind of are - alternate dimensions notwithstanding - but doppelgängers, though so ... close enough?

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