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Possible tg in The Flash
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The Flash episode Who Is Harrison Wells?
Age, Female, Gender, Male
A woman robs a bank, but swears she was with her husband at the time it happened. Later, a man is seen trying to sell the jewelry that was stolen from the bank. On his way out, he touches a woman, and (Spoiler Text) A new metahuman is on the loose. (Spoiler Text)
From: jatr111 , 111 months, post #1
In The Flash episode "Who is Harrison Wells?" there's a shapeshifter who can transform himself into every person he touches. It will be aired 21st of April. Link takes to full synopsis of the episode.

From: guest (oh) , 111 months, post #2
sounds promising

From: guest (guest) , 111 months, post #3
There was m2m change last week.

From: Repulso , 111 months, post #4
Okay this sounds good. The Flash is a regular show of mine anyway so this is especially something to look forward to.

Thanks for the update jatr.

From: guest , 111 months, post #5
I watch The Flash and it would be hilarious if the shape shifter turned into Iris and started to make Barry turn red.

From: guest (Mariano) , 111 months, post #6

"In the episode, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) head to Starling City to continue their investigation of Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh). While in town, the duo enlists the help of Captain Lance (guest star Paul Blackthorne), and Cisco meets the Black Canary (guest star Katie Cassidy), who asks him for a favor. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) races to catch a meta-human named Hannibal Bates (guest star Martin Novotny) who can transform himself into every person he touches � which includes Eddie (Rick Cosnett), Iris (Candice Patton), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and even The Flash."

Sounds lime TG to me.

From: guest (Mariano) , 111 months, post #7
LiKe TG.

From: guest (Jay) , 111 months, post #8
I hope they don't give the shapeshifter lame motivations like always.

From: guest (guest) , 111 months, post #9
What do you mean lame motivations?

From: guest (Jay) , 111 months, post #10
They are one-layered characters, like they are usually evil without a good reason,

From: guest , 111 months, post #11
Im situations like this I always hope for the intimate moments while the other gender and awkwardness after it.

Never really happens sadly

From: guest (CopyKen) , 111 months, post #12
Thanks for the update, always good to have a shapeshifter baddie in a TV show! So looking forward to the episode because I already love this series :)

@ guest (oh)
I think you'll be surprised

@ guest
I believe the synopsis said Hannibal Bates will shift into Iris but
my question is why and when ;)

@guest (Mariano)
I agree and I think I have a lead!

@guest (Jay)
You are so right. They also don't use their "Power" enough in an episode
or the show does lame stuff like having Shifts off-screen. I am into shapeshifters
and a good one with with good effects was Victoria Morrow from No Ordinary Family.
As some of us remember She shifted into a bunch of people in the episode "No Ordinary Powell." Danielle Pananbaker's (Caitlin on The Flash,) little sister Kay was also on the show!
Greg Berlanti who has brought us great shows like Arrow and The Flash also created
No Ordinary Family.

I went way off topic, sorry lol.

I have been doing a little research thanks to the inspiration from this post
about The Flash.
I have a discovery to share that I don't believe is a spoiler.
May I share it everyone?

From: guest (stag) , 111 months, post #13
Please do feel free to share any information you find copyken

From: guest (CopyKen) , 111 months, post #14
guest (stag), I would Love to Share!
First off to everyone who reads this... Thank You.
The community are like a second family
to Me. It's nice being able to talk about TG and stuff with everyone
and not be looked at as "Weird."

Anyway, I was looking through Photos and Promos and came upon this Promo...

At the start of 1:10-1:12 you can very briefly see Hannibal Bates Shifting from
Himself (or Someone else) into Caitlin! It's a small window but after I slowed the clip
the body is definitely shifting around. The build goes from a bit larger to smaller quickly.
I'm assuming when he shifts he morphs on the clothes and accessories as well because
it looks like a necklace appears on "Caitlin." Everyone can watch and let me know what you
think is going on.

Also if anyone remembers this Promo from No Ordinary Family,

This makes me feel like after The New Flash Episode this Tuesday the 14th,
They'll show a New Promo for "Who is Harrison Wells?" & we might see an actual
longer shift or something. Well hope you guys are pumped because I am ^_^

From: guest (Jay) , 111 months, post #15
Yep, great shows i also watch arrow but the Flash s01 is amazing. Looking forward to the episode, i hope they dont lock him up.

As for greg berlanti he also brought us the green lantern movie lol

From: guest (CopyKen) , 111 months, post #16
@guest (Jay),
I watch Arrow as well :] Been there since the start!
Catching up on The Flash though. I am so stoked for it too!
He is a Shapeshifter. I'm sure he'll slip away lol.

As for this Green Lantern Movie... I don't recall it *cough *cough

From: guest (stag) , 111 months, post #17

I don't really see the possible transformation you see in the trailer between 1:10-1:12 but I'd be willing to be when Barry kisses Caitlin, that's not Barry but the imposter. Anyways, thanks for the research. Glad to see someone is equally as excited by this episode as I am. Cheers!

From: guest (CopyKen) , 111 months, post #18
@guest (stag)
I see what you mean and I do side with you now though. I bet "Barry" kisses Caitlin and then goes somewhere else to Morph into her later.

The Shifter should make good use of her form hopefully. I mean, look at her ;)
Her Brain also makes her attractive though too lol.

I really want to see the Shifter Morph into Caitlin Snow but really want to see him Morph into Iris West. Wonder how he'll get her form?

Anyway, no prob. Oh I am soooo excited! Like I said, I love Shapeshifters ^_^
Hope someone else can uncover New stuff about this episode this weekend.
With each day that passes they might release more. I bet our Big Sneak Peek
will come after this Tuesdays Episode though.

From: Random , 111 months, post #19
While I haven't been watching The Flash(I haven't watched regular TV in ages. I prefer to get the season set once that's released and watch things at my own pace) one thing I haven't seen mentioned is that Hannibal Bates' name is on The List in Arrow. While probably just a throw away reference in Arrow, it would be nice if Bates wasn't a one-shot villain and appeared in both(preferably as a dangerous schemer who can use his shapeshifting abilities to really destroy folks as opposed to just a flunky like he was in the comic books).

From: guest (hey) , 111 months, post #20
I look another promos and looks to be a really good episoe

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