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AFK Webseries
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AFK: The Webseries
Age, Race, Gender
AFK is a web series that follows the misadventures of a group of gamers who mysteriously wake up in the bodies of their online characters. Gender swapped, confused and out of their element, they must work together to survive in a hostile new world.
From: guest , 103 months, post #41
Interesting that Q sidestepped the gender question. I still feel like there's a reason their keeping her real-life gender ambiguous.

From: guest (guest) , 103 months, post #42
Q was smiling when Jack was asking about everyone's real world gender but quickly shot his question down when he got to her. I'm not entirely sure what that was about.

From: guest , 103 months, post #43
I thought she seemed uncomfortable with the question, even resentful that Jack asked her. I wrote up in post 19 that I think she might be a transwoman in real life, and I still think that might be the case.

I'm trans, and I think that's how I would feel if I were asked that question. You go through your life, you want to be female but you're not. Maybe you transition. You're finally living as the person you want to be, but then people insist you're still a man, or they call you "sir", or they ask you if you're a man or a woman, or they don't say anything but they act uncomfortable around you. Then poof, you wake up in a computer game, and you're in a fully female body! No one's going to question your gender now! But then some annoying idiot asks you, even now, if you're a man or a woman.

It would suck. Were I in that situation, I would answer that I'm a woman in real life, but I would be nervous, afraid that someone will figure out that I haven't always been a woman, acutely aware that I'm going to have to be extra-careful about how I present myself now, that I would have to PROVE I was a woman. I would feel attacked, hurt, afraid.

The smile before the question came around to her? I don't know. I might laugh at how hung up this guy is over people's real-life gender. I might feel comforted by the two cross-gender players. I might be amused by the question in his voice when he asks Brendon if he's a "dude" (or Brendon's little raised fist, if I saw it). I might be glad that he apparently instinctively assumes that everyone's in-game gender matches their real-life gender, and assume that, when he comes around to me, he's going to assume that I'm a woman in real-life too. But then, when he questions my gender... yeah. I wouldn't be happy.

From: guest , 103 months, post #44
(This is guest #19/41/43 again)

I think there are other reasons Q might be uncomfortable with the question. She might think it's a frivolous question under the circumstances; she might be a gay man who wants Jack to see her/him as a potential romantic partner or a lesbian woman who doesn't; she might be female-bodied but genderqueer; she might be uncomfortable with the idea of Jack hitting on her; she might be afraid people will take her less seriously if they think she's a woman, or otherwise afraid of gender-based harassment. But I do feel like her reaction makes the most sense to me if she's a transwoman.

From: guest (Transtastic) , 103 months, post #45
  1. 19/41/43/44 again... there, I gave myself a name so I don't have to keep typing that, lol

There may also be other reasons for the makers of AFK to be coy about her gender aside from building up to some big revelation about it. They may be trying to add to the mystery of her character, or they may want her to be a character who men and women alike can identify with. My money's still on her being trans, though.

In any case, I definitely feel now like there's a deliberate attempt to make her gender ambiguous.

From: JayGee , 103 months, post #46
I suspect Q might be an A.I.

From: guest (Saint) , 103 months, post #47
I think Q was someone's cat walking across the keyboard when everybody got sucked into the game

From: guest , 103 months, post #48
rewatching the series I think Q is a kid, she watches YouTube videos. That's something for under 12s.

My guess is she is a young girl.

I've the idea that she is a family pet too though, I'm sure cats watch a lot of YouTube while sat on their owners keyboards... Blasted things

From: guest (Saint) , 103 months, post #49
Q's not a kid. They already have 2 characters that are kids. Q isn't going to be a man stuck in a woman's body because they've already got 2 other characters that are dealing with being opposite genders.

If they are smart it's going to be an issue that will complicate Q wanting to return to reality. Q is the most capable of all the players. She's a natural leader and she knows how to survive. She's determined to get back to the real world for her kid but she's going to be torn because she's useful in this world.

Q is going to be transgendered, disabled, really old or just somebody stuck in a crappy situation. That would make the most sense but the fun part is the mystery has got us wondering and watching.

From: guest (raaj) , 103 months, post #50
just to throw a possible non story monkeywrench in, maybe they're planning some episodes with the RL characters and haven't cast her RL role yet.

From: guest , 103 months, post #51
Maybe she is in a coma from a LARPing accident and the whole show is in her mind ;)

From: guest (Transtastic) , 103 months, post #52
Episode 7 is up.

Click to show spoiler
Jr'ir gnyxrq n yvggyr ovg nobhg D'f ntr orsber. Va guvf rcvfbqr, fur ubyqf hc svatref gb pbzzhavpngr ure ntr gb I'Ehttn, ohg fur pbiref ure unaq fb Znlory jba'g frr. Fur fvtanyf gjb qvtvgf, ohg fur bayl arrqf bar unaq gb fubj rnpu qvtvg. Gung znxrf ure 55 ng gur byqrfg.

I proposed a few posts up that they might be making Q's gender ambiguous so that any viewer, male or female, can identify with her. Now I'm starting to wonder if they're trying to do that with her entire real-life identity. She's a blank slate onto which we as viewers can project ourselves. That, after all, is an important aspect of gaming; players need to be able to identify with their characters on some level.

On the other hand, we do know some specifics, like that she's a LARPer and a mother, so I could be totally wrong about this.

I think it says a lot about the quality of the series and of Q's character that I'm so intrigued by her, and that others seem to be as well.

From: guest (guest) , 103 months, post #53
I like Q and Vrugga. Nice to see Q break out of her shell.

Q told Vanya that her play style is solo. My guess would be that Q sees herself as being different in someway from other gamers, finds the new body to be enjoyable, and wants to keep who she is in the real world private. If she has the skills to survive in the game, the question is how does she feel about getting back home?

That story could work from a TG angle and distinguish her from Maybel and Steve if she actually likes her new body. But she could just as easily be a busy middle aged mom who used to enjoy Larping, sword fighting and camping and now can only find some spare time for computer games as a creative outlet. Either possibility, or others, could work with what we've seen.

Jack looks like an interesting counterpart to Q. He admits to sabotaging his life because he obsesses over the game. He has difficulties having normal conversations with people. He quickly turns to obnoxious humor or talking about the game. He may find his new body to be more attractive than his real body.

If Jack and Q both find this situation desirable in some way, they are wrestling with a similar question but coming at it from different perspectives.

I'd also pair up Brendon and the gnome girl. He admits to having his character killed many times by other players but he isn't seeking revenge for past slights.

From: cj , 103 months, post #54
"... we do know some specifics, like that she's a LARPer and a mother..."

Has anyone considered that she's just a regular gal, a mom who just isn't comfortable with her real self? Perhaps she has a huge weight problem (pun not-intended). Maybe she has been injured or maimed in some way. Since I haven't yet gotten a chance to watch it, I'm kinda' reaching here... but it seems from my recollection of all the above posts, that she doesn't say much - perhaps she's deaf and/or mute.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to watching this one myself.

From: guest (guest) , 103 months, post #55
The idea that she's a regular gal that isn't comfortable with her own body seems entirely possible. It fits with everything we've seen and would work with the story that may be shaping up for her. Feeling isolated in the real world would also make sense and that could be for any number of reasons.

Honestly, the only thing that makes me think that there might be a TG aspectClick to show spoiler
vf gung cevingr fzvyr sbyybjrq ol orvat syhfgrerq jura Wnpx jnf nfxvat sbe rirelbar'f traqre. But at this point other explanations would also work.

From: JayGee , 103 months, post #56
It's interesting that not only did we not clearly see her age, but she carefully looked over to make sure Mable couldn't see, as well.

From: guest , 103 months, post #57
In one of the previews they made, I think, last year, Q told V'rugga she was...and then she whispered to him while hiding her fingers a little too late and you could see and hear her say "thirty..." something before looking around and making sure he was the only one who could see and hear. I'm not sure if the previews count as canon, though.

As far as we know, Q could be one of the game developers and might have a guilty conscience about everyone being there and wants to undo it but enjoys being in her element. (I don't think they'll go that route) I don't think it's necessary to guess to enjoy it b/c a) there are so many possibilities that will work. b) The more they leave out, the easier it is to adapt if they or a main character can't finish the series. c) It's fun enough waiting for the mystery to eventually reveal itself. Also, I think Transtastic makes a great point, too.

And...if we knew her mystery, the only thing left to find out would be Vanya's exact meaning when he earlier said to his bodyguard/friend when it all started: "it worked". (Plus how do they get back to this world/end the series.)

From: guest , 103 months, post #58
Loving the series and glad I found this forum. I'm really enjoying everybody's theories! I don't particularly have one myself,but look forward to seeing more of the episodes and how it develops. Will there be a second season??

From: guest (guest) , 103 months, post #59
I'm enjoying it. My guess is that the first season is introducing the premise, the main characters and eventually getting the gang together. I'd be surprised if they also return to the real world this season.

The writer/director said in the promo video that he has lots of ideas for the series. I think they'll launch a Kickstarter sometime after Season 1 airs and move on to Season 2.

Promo video:

From: guest , 103 months, post #60
"My guess is that the first season is introducing the premise, the main characters and eventually getting the gang together. I'd be surprised if they also return to the real world this season.

The writer/director said in the promo video that he has lots of ideas for the series. I think they'll launch a Kickstarter sometime after Season 1 airs and move on to Season 2."

Then we'll probably never answer our questions.

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