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AFK Webseries
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AFK: The Webseries
Age, Race, Gender
AFK is a web series that follows the misadventures of a group of gamers who mysteriously wake up in the bodies of their online characters. Gender swapped, confused and out of their element, they must work together to survive in a hostile new world.
From: guest , 104 months, post #21
I also though she was a soldier or something like that.

But I really want it to be an F2F.

From: guest (vup) , 104 months, post #22
She might be a soldier. That might explain her discipline, her authoritative attitude, maybe her survival skills.

It's called being a mom.

I don't think being a non-stereotypical female inherently means she's more probably male.

If you were put in the body of someone of the same gender/age/etc. you'd notice your hands or any other body part being different. You've heard the saying "I know "that" like the back of my hand"? The fact that she doesn't need to see what she looks like could mean something or just be the story teller's way of showing different people having different reactions. Plus, if she designed a Lara Croft-looking avatar she'd already know.

I can think of a lot of things they could do with the series but it's obviously too early to tell since details are still unfolding that could take it in many different directions. I prefer to sit back and let the makers decide so I don't disappoint myself with specific expectations. In any case, I'm addicted already and hope it keeps going for a good long while so we can get more story/character development rather than a few quick reveals before conking out.

From: guest , 104 months, post #23
I know literally loads of women that LARP, I'd even say it's about half of the Lorain trust...

Maybe she is Chinese?

From: guest (Saint) , 104 months, post #24
No TG or transformation but a really cute and charming short film starring Mia Pistorius, the star of AFK. She is unbelievably gorgeous.

From: guest , 104 months, post #25
I also think she's a mom, maybe just a bit older than her character.

"If you were put in the body of someone of the same gender/age/etc. you'd notice your hands or any other body part being different."

Exactly, that was my point.

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 104 months, post #26
The thing to ponder is: after spending a significant amount of time "in game", how would it be for them to return to RL? After spending months or years as a female warrior, a male gnome, older male, or an Orc they would get pretty comfortable in those bodies.


From: guest (guest2) , 104 months, post #27
Episode 4 is up.

From: guest , 104 months, post #28
Okay, there were NO ninjas in that episode. What a tease.

Otherwise it was good. :)

I'm glad Q didn't shoot the armor thieves (though I wasn't really expecting her to). One thing I haven't quite bought so far is the violence. I mean, some people would be violent, yeah, but I don't think that nearly as many people would turn into rapists and killers as we've seen so far.

I have to ask... what 15-year-old has recess? Seriously, my school stopped having recess when I was 11.

From: guest (Saint) , 104 months, post #29
I buy the violence with a small suspension of disbelief. I mean, it's a world without rules and nerds have become empowered. It's totally Lord of the Files or The Walking Dead.

I also thought the recess joke didn't quite translate (I think I was 12 when it was just called 'break') but the spirit of the joke worked for me.

As an American who enjoys UK television but doesn't get to see a lot of stuff from New Zealand I'm curious why some of the actors are going with an American accent. The cast is really talented and charismatic but did the director feel there would be less audience appeal if they all spoke with their regional accent? Or was it a choice to indicate that the game has a world wide appeal?

From: guest (guest) , 104 months, post #30
I got the impression from an article that they are talking with an American accent because their video game characters are given American accents.

Which doesn't exactly explain Vanya.

From: guest , 104 months, post #31
Well, also New Zealand accents can be hard to follow and I say that as someone from that part of the world.

From: guest (guest) , 104 months, post #32
If most characters have an American accent, why is Vanya's accent different? He told his buddy, "it worked!" when they met. And his leverage seems to come from that big friend of his. Did that guy hack the game to make his character a golem (an overpowered, non-playable race)? It may have gotten reported by other players unless the change was made just before this incident. Just a theory but maybe Vanya knew this was going to happen.

From: guest , 104 months, post #33
My thought process on the accents was the same as Guest #30. I also saw something in an article or on the site or somewhere that made me think that they had American accents because their in-game characters had American accents. Since they perceive people from the opposite faction as speaking a different language, this makes sense. But yes, Vanya kind of blows that theory out of the water.

It could also be meant to reflect the fact that people around the world play MMOs. I'm an American, but in the MMOs I've played, I've played with people from Canada, Australia, the UK, France, Brazil, Russia... realistically, you would expect to find people speaking a wide variety of accents in a situation like this.

From: JayGee , 104 months, post #34
From where do we know the gnome is a woman in RL? "A woman trapped in a male gnome's body"

From: guest (Saint) , 104 months, post #35
The official website has character descriptions.

From: guest , 104 months, post #36
The gnome also mentions in the trailer that she's a woman in real life, and that her character is male so that guys won't hit on her.

From: guest (Saint) , 104 months, post #37
Episode 5 is up

From: guest , 104 months, post #38
Oh, I don't think I'll be able to watch it today.

From: guest (guest) , 103 months, post #39
Episode 6 is up.

From: guest (Pat) , 103 months, post #40
Good to hear, thanks!

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