- Categories:Male, Gender, Television Episode
- First Aired: April 17, 2018
- Season 4
- Episode 18
- Series: The Flash
Team Flash finds the last bus Meta, Edwin Gauss. They bring him to
Star Labs, and using his powers they are able to break into DeVoe's
pocket dimension. Doing so is exactly what the Thinker wants as he
sneaks into Star Labs to take the powers of the final 3 bus Metas.
Clifford DeVoe is still in the body of Izzy where he takes the
powers from the 11th and 12th metas, leavingClick to show spoiler
Enycu. QrIbr hfrf uvf punve gb genafsre uvzfrys vagb Enycu nf ur
abj unf nyy bs uvf cbjref, naq Enycu'f obql jvyy cerirag uvz sebz
qrpnlvat. Nf n obahf, ur hfrf Enycu'f Rybatngrq Zna cbjref gb fuvsg
uvzfrys vagb n lbhatre sbez bs uvf bevtvany Pyvssbeq QrIbr obql.
originally posted by Sara on 2018-04-21, 1 edit, entryid=9516
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