- Categories:Male, Age, Television Episode
- First Aired: April 28, 2015
- Season 1
- Episode 20
- Series: The Flash
Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Joe form a plan to confront Dr. Harrison
Wells, and to force a confession. The plan is going well, as Dr.
Wells shows up and Cisco is able to activate the shield to protect
himself, but then it falls apart because Dr. Wells is able to walk
through the shield.
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Nf Qe. Jryyf vf nobhg gb xvyy Pvfpb, Wbr fubbgf uvz, naq ur vf
pbasvezrq qrnq. Juvyr ynlvat gurer, ur eriregf gb gur sbez gung
Unaavony Ongrf (Rirelzna) ynfg gbbx va gur cerivbhf rcvfbqr, gung
bs n zna gung pnaabg erzrzore jub ur ernyyl vf. Qe. Jryyf unq uvz
gnxr uvf cynpr, naq gura erirnyf gb rirelbar gung ur xabjf jung
gurl unir orra hc gb.
originally posted by Sara on 2015-04-29, no edits, entryid=9249
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