- Categories:Male, Television Episode
- First Aired: March 31, 2015
- Season 1
- Episode 17
- Series: The Flash
In flashbacks in this episode, more is shown of the night that
Barry's mother was killed by the man in Yellow. It is revealed that
after the attack, the man in yellow ran off. Click to show spoiler
Nf zragvbarq va n cerivbhf rcvfbqr, Qe. Jryyf gbyq Pvfpb ur jnf
Rboneq Gunjar. Va guvf rcvfbqr, jr frr Rboneq, gur zna va lryybj,
fgnyx, Qe. Jryyf. Rboneq pnhfrf na nppvqrag gb xvyy Qe. Jryy'f
jvsr, naq hfrf n qrivpr gb punatr uvzfrys vagb Qe. Jryyf.
originally posted by Sara on 2015-04-09, 1 edit, entryid=9242
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