- Categories:Inanimate, Age, Comic Book
- Title: "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes Chapter 4:
- Cover Date: March 2008
- Series: Action Comics
- � DC Comics
In this issue, Brainiac 5 reveals that he has someone on the inside
spying on the Justice League of Earth.
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Gung fbzrbar vf svefg frra nf n cynag, gung qrirybcf n snpr, naq
gura punatrq vagb n lbhat tvey. Jura Rnegu Zna pbasebagf ure, ur
ortvaf pubxvat ure, juvpu pnhfrf ure gb riraghnyyl punatr gb ure
gehr sbez, gung bs Punzryrba Tvey, Lree Nyyba. Yvxr Punzryrba Obl,
fur vf sebz Qheyn, naq vf n funcrfuvsgre. Fur vf zneevrq gb
Pbybffny Obl, Tvz Nyyba.
One of the members of the Justice League of Earth is Golden Boy,
Klint Stewart. One of his powers is the Midas Touch (Turn things
into Gold).
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Uvf zbgure'f ynjlre vf nfxvat sbe n ybna ba ure orunys. Naablrq,
Tbyqra Obl qrpvqrf gb tvir ure n tvsg, naq punatrf gur Ynjlre vagb
n fbyvq tbyq fgnghr.
originally posted by Sara on 2008-02-28, 3 edits, entryid=7942
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