- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- First Aired: December 15, 2022
- Season: 1
- Episode: 18
- Series: Star Trek: Prodigy
The Protostar crew knowing they cannot use ship to ship
communications with Starfleet, try to reach out instead with
telepathy using Zero, a Medusian, and Dal R'El, an augment with
multiple species DNA, to contact Vice Admiral Janeway.
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Vanqiregragyl gurl fjnc zvaqf vafgrnq, naq fcraq cneg bs gur
rcvfbqr svaqvat n jnl onpx gb gurve bevtvany obqvrf. Juvyr nf rnpu
bgure, Wnarjnl yrneaf jung vf tbvat ba jvgu gur Cebgbfgne perj, ohg
svaqf gung jura fur ergheaf gb ure obql, gung ure perj ba gur
Qnhagyrff unir cynprq ure va gur oevt qhr gb reengvp orunivbe
originally posted by Sara on 2023-01-07, no edits, entryid=9680
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