- Categories:Gender, Female, Television Episode
- First Aired: September 1, 2022
- Season: 1
- Episode: 3
- Series: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
Walters' former colleague, Dennis Bukowski, approaches GLK&H
with a case involving his ex-girlfriend. He thought he was dating
Megan Thee Stallion, but learns it was actuallyClick to show spoiler
Ehan (Crt B'Xrrs), n funcrfuvsgvat Yvtug Rys sebz Arj Nftneq jub
jnf vzcrefbangvat Zrtna Gurr Fgnyyvba. Gur pnfr vf nffvtarq gb
Jnygref' pbjbexre Nhthfghf "Cht" Chtyvrfr. Ehan gnxrf ba gur sbez
bs Zrtna Gur Fgnyyvba, Cht, naq Whqtr Cevpr
originally posted by Sara on 2023-01-06, 1 edit, entryid=9678
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