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Doraemon issue Vol. 8
  • Categories:Gender, Comic Book


In one story, Nobita and Doraemon stumble upon a beautiful teenage idol hiding out from her mother and film crew in their neighborhood. They take her to Nobita's room where they discover she's tired of the idol life and would rather give it up. Nobita seizes upon the opportunity and uses the swapping baton to change places with her. For the next few hours Nobita is harassed by crazed fans, embarrasses him/herself in a singing studio, gives the wrong answers at an interview and unwillingly finds him/herself forced to do a modeling assignment without any time to just have fun, all the while being coached by an overbearing showbiz mom. Doraemon finally comes to the rescue and once again uses the swapping baton. This time he switches Nobita/idol with the showbiz mom. Doraemon and Nobita/showbiz mom quickly make their getaway back to Nobita's home where they eventually convince the waiting idol to return to her own body, to Nobita's own mom's confusion. In the end the Freaky Friday solution has taught showbiz mom a lesson and all are better for it.

To my knowledge, not yet available in english.

originally posted by guest (Justin) on 2006-01-19, no edits, entryid=966