Categories:Gender, Male, Animal, Movie
After liberating Bagdad from the Vizir's iron grip, Aladdin is
bored in the palace and is still unsure about marrying the
princess. But the terrible dictator Shah Zaman enters the palace
and announces that he is here to take the city and the princess as
his bride. Aladdin has no choice but to flee the city... He's going
to attempt to retrieve his old genie and come back in force to free
his city and his fiancee.
Gender The dictator finds a genie of his own and ask for his help seducing
the princess. The genie proposes trying to make her jealous of the
dictator's attention by transforming into a woman
played by Noemie Lenoir.
Male To infiltrate the palace Aladdin played by Kev Adams needs to
disguise as a guard. He is transformed into a guard played by
morrocan actor Booder.
Animal Guards are transformed off screen into goats.
originally posted by Greg on 2018-11-22, no edits, entryid=9539
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