Categories:Gender, Male, Television Episode
When Starlight Glimmer returns to Ponyville, she notices the Mane
Six and Spike acting a little off. Later in a dream, Princess Luna
warns her that the changelings have returned and have replaced the
Mane Six and Spike.
Thorax, a reformed changeling, briefly impersonates Twilight
Sparkle to prove that he is not an evil changeling impersonating
In part 2, Thorax disguises himself as the Great and Powerful
Trixie to trick the changeling guards. Later, a bunch of
changelings capture Discord by impersonating Fluttershy, his best
friend. A single changeling impersonates Discord. Later, Thorax
disguises himself as Starlight so that the real Starlight could
destroy Queen Chrysalis' throne.
originally posted by jasobres on 2016-10-22, no edits, entryid=9455
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