Categories:Gender, Mechanical, Comic Book
- 2012
- pub Dark Horse Comics
The STD-like virus that transformed the hero Mechanismo from a
human into a mecha robot was accidentally released when he went
into a secret high-tech junkyard/vault for a little "me time." The
virus used a fantasy image in Mechanismo's memory to transform the
tech debris into angel-like gynoids resembling the deceased heroine
Divangelic (but also incorporating bodily features of other
heroines like Empowered). Superhomeys leader Captain Rivet is not immune to the virus, and he
too is transformed into a Divangelic-like fembot. (He is
transformed back when the virus is neutralized.) When Mechanismo's
limbs also start changing into killer angels, Empowered amputates
originally posted by DaveS on 2015-10-05, 4 edits, entryid=9327
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