Categories:Gender, Television Episode
After having an argument with Francine about him never listening to
her, Stan takes an experimental drug called 'Esterocillin' which
will make him willing to listen.
However, he takes more than the required dose, (on account of him
not listening to the female scientist who explained the drug) and
ends up turning into a woman.
Stan's transformation scene parodies the transformation scene in
"American Werewolf in London."
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Hcba yrneavat gurer'f n jnl sbe Fgna gb erireg onpx gb znyr, Nirel
qryvorengryl jvguubyqf guvf vasbezngvba jvgu gur vagragvba bs
fyrrcvat jvgu gur abj srznyr Fgna. Gurl trg nf sne nf orvat va
Nirel'f orq, ohg jura Fgna ernyvfrf ur unfa'g or yvfgravat gb ure
ng nyy, fur vzzrqvngryl qravrf uvz.
The episode's theme is Men not listening to Women
Wikipedia Page
Transformation scene
originally posted by guest on 2014-04-29, 3 edits, entryid=9112
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