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Deadpool vol 4 Issue 27
Categories:Female, Gender, Monster, Shapeshifter, Comic Book

  • cover date June 2014, released April 9, 2014
  • Main story: "The Wedding of Deadpool"
  • Backup stories: "With This Hand, I Thee Wed", "Quickie", and "So Deadpool Walks into a Bar..."


It's the massive Deadpool wedding issue. Deadpool finally gets married to the succubus Shiklah, the Queen of Monsters whom DP met in Deadpool: The Gauntlet. As seen in the "Gauntlet" digital comics, Shiklah's true form is a hulking purple demon, but she can appear as a dark-haired woman.

We learn in the backup stories, however, that this was not the first time Deadpool's been married. Captain/Ms. Marvel, Domino, the super-strong cowgirl Outlaw and a large hippo-like alien can count themselves among those who have been married to Deadpool at some point (allegedly), including not one, but TWO blue shape-shifting women...

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Va "Jvgu guvf Unaq, V Gurr Jrq" jr frr gur nsgrezngu bs gur pynffvp Qrnqcbby: Gur Pvepyr Punfr. Pbclpng yrsg Qrnqcbby, naq ur jnf "zneevrq" gb n Pbclpng unaq chccrg. Ng gur raq bs gur fgbel, jr frr gung gur erny Pbclpng unq orra jngpuvat uvz qvfthvfrq nf n jbzna ng n gnpb gehpx jurer QC unq orra beqrevat puvzvpunatnf. Jr frr Pbclpng ntnva va nabgure onpxhc fgbel, "Dhvpxvr" jurer jr frr n flabcfvf bs gur pynffvp Qrnqcbby iby 2 vffhr 49 (frr ragel). Pbclpng unq ghearq vagb frireny nggenpgvir jbzra Jnqr zrg bire gur pbhefr bs n qnl, naq ur jnf ynfg frra fyrrcvat jvgu n oybaqr qryvirel tvey "Nzl" (Pbclpng'f svsgu nyvnf bs gur qnl). Ohg ur jnf fgvyy zbcvat nobhg Naan Evanyqv, n jbzna jub uverq naq qbhoyr-pebffrq uvz (va vffhrf 46-48). Naan cubarf QC naq nfxf uvz gb zrrg va Ynf Irtnf, jurer gurl tb guebhtu n dhvpxvr zneevntr, ohg gung zneevntr gheaf bhg gb or n funz naq fur qvgpurf uvz juvyr ur jnf anccvat. Guvf Naan gheaf bhg gb or lrg nabgure nyvnf bs Pbclpng (naq vg'f fgvyy haxabja vs gur erny Naan fheivirq orvat fubg ol Qrnqcbby va Vffhr 48). Pbclpng nyfb oevrsyl nccrnef va "Fb Qrnqcbby Jnyxf vagb n One..." ohg guvf fgbel vf zber nobhg QC'f gryyvat n tehzcl onexrrcre nobhg uvf dhvpxvr zneevntr gb Yheyrra, n oybaqr ovzob ur zrg ng n qbt genpx. QC cvffrf bss n ybg bs crbcyr jura ur oevatf gur nve-urnqrq Yheyrra vagb Jrncba K urnqdhnegref. Va gur raq, vg gheaf bhg gung Yheyrra - naq gur onyqvat, zhfgnpurq onexrrcre - jrer obgu Zlfgvdhr va qvfthvfr. Fur jnf hfvat QC gb trg Jrncba K'f svyrf ba zhgnagf.

originally posted by DaveS on 2014-04-09, 9 edits, entryid=9099