Categories:Male, Web series
This is part of the Kickassia movie that Thatguywiththeglasses did
for their anniversary, in this one after Cinema Snob is kicked out
of Kickassia, Nostalgia Chick tries to poison NC with tea but the
NC doesn't drink tea.
Throughout the special, it is hinted that Spoony is Dr Insano but
Spoony says that it was in the past.
Later after NC goes mad with power, Linkara and the others begin
planning an invasion and they convince Spoony to give into the
So Spoony gives in and transforms into Dr Insano, convulsing in
pain as a lab coat 'grows' on his body, a stethoscope appears
around his neck as googles cover up his eyes and he cackles
originally posted by guest(Nathan Forester) on 2011-08-31, 1 edit, entryid=9026
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