Categories:Female, Misc, Game
Enemies known as "J'avo" in the game occasionally become cocoons
when damaged. The cocoon eventually bursts to reveal creatures
resembling lizards, crows, swarms of insects, and crystallized
gorillas. Body parts of damaged, humanoid J'avo will also mutate
into insect-like appendages.
A certain female character is not what she seems: Click to show spoiler
Pneyn Enqnzrf, n srznyr fpvragvfg, vf vasrpgrq jvgu n ivehf gung
genafsbezf ure vagb n pbpbba yvxr gur W'nib rarzvrf - jura fur
rzretrf sebz gur pbpbba, fur unf gnxra ba gur nccrnenapr bs bar bs
gur cynlnoyr punenpgref: n fcl anzrq Nqn Jbat. Fur vf genvarq gb or
n cresrpg pbcl bs Nqn ol gur betnavmngvba pnhfvat gur ovbybtvpny
nggnpxf va gur tnzr.
Video of the above, spoiler-hidden metamorphosis (NSFW, spoilers): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXMzl4lgyxI
originally posted by guest(none) on 2012-10-18, no edits, entryid=8902
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