Categories:gender, body swap
- TV show 5th season, air date 5 -14 -2012
If everyone in Eureka does not have enough problems as they are
being audited by a person who has he power to fire them all. Lawman
Jack Carter starts swapping bodies with others, first Fargo, then
Zane, then Allison for awhile hey try and keep it a secret.
A funny moment is when Jo the sexy deputy asks whom she thinks is
Carter that naturally he would find her attractive but jealous
Allison in Carter's body tells Jo that he doesn't find Jo
attractive at all, stunning her.
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Gur qnl vf fnirq jura Nyyvfba tbrf vagb Wnpx'f oenva jvgu ryrpgevp
fhetrel bs fbzr fbeg gb erzbir gur raretl pnhfvat gur zvaq fjnccvat
gung jvyy riraghnyyl qrfgeblf Pnegre'f zvaq, ohg qhevat gur fhetrel
gurl fjnc ntnva & Pnegre va ure obql vf qverpgrq ol Nyyvfba va uvf
obql jngpuvat gur zbavgbef. Ohg srne abg. Vg vf fhpprffshy. Mnar
naq Wb znxr hc & Pnegre & Nyyvfba qrpvqr gb or n pbhcyr,
originally posted by Eric on 2012-06-05, 3 edits, entryid=8858
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