Categories:Female, Book
In the seventh Dresden Files book, Harry encounters a necromancer
who goes by the name Corpsetaker. Corpsetaker is first encountered
in the body of a young coed.
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Ng gur raq bs gur obbx Pbecfrgnxre fjncf obqvrf jvgu Nanfgnfvn
Yhppvb, yrnqre bs gur Jneqraf, va beqre gb trg gur Jneqraf gb
nggnpx Uneel.Nyfb, juvyr vg vf vzcyvrq gung Pbecfrgnxre jnf bevtvanyyl znyr, nal
ersrerapr gb gur punenpgre va yngre obbxf hfrf srznyr cebabhaf.
originally posted by Random on 2012-03-12, no edits, entryid=8828
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