Categories:Male, Gender, Comic Book
Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) must team up with Black Cat to clear her of
the murder of a wealthy socialite despite all evidence seemingly
pointing towards her.
Click to show spoiler
Gur xvyyre gheaf bhg gb or n zna anzrq Fxhyy-Wnpxrg jub hfrf na
nqinaprq sbez bs gur Punzryrba'f ubybtencuvp rdhvczrag gb
vzcrefbangr crbcyr. Ur vzcrefbangrq Oynpx Png naq xvyyrq gur jbzna
va beqre gb senzr ure. Guvf vf bayl fubja va bar cnary ivn gjb
cubgbf sebz gur pevzr fprar nsgre gur snpg. Ur fcraqf zbfg bs gur
vffhr qvfthvfrq nf gur ivpgvz'f fba vzcrefbangvat uvz fb ur pna
vaurevg ure zbarl.
originally posted by rugal on 2011-06-04, no edits, entryid=8701
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