Categories:Male, Television
- Season 2, Episode 18
- Original First Aired: April 28, 2010
A Darken Rahl look-alike was captured by Mord'Sith and intended be
used as Darken Rahl's mean of return to the living world. The
Seeker and his group of helpers rescued the look-alike, but had to
make a deal with Darken Rahl in exchange for a scroll they needed,
by killing the look-alike so Darken Rahl can inhabit his body.
Seeker and his helpers transferred the look-alike's soul into a
dead solder's body, then allowed Darken Rahl to return to the land
of the living from the underworld.
originally posted by The Gambler on 2010-10-04, 1 edit, entryid=8583
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