Categories:Male, Female, television episode
In the pilot episode of the third Stargate show. A group of humans
are on an another planet trying to figure more about the Stargate
and how to activate the 9th and final symbol that would take them
to an unknown locaction. They are then attacked by an unknown alien
race and they figure the 9th symbol and escape through it and onto
an empty ship called the "Destiny" that was created by the
Ancients. Now they cant get home and the ship is running out of
life suport.
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Gur perj unq gnxra na Napvrag qrivpr jvgu gurz gung nyybjf gurz gb
pbaqhpg ybat qvfgnapr pbzzhavpngr jvgu Rnegu ivn Zvaq genafsre,
jvgu gurve zvffvba gung zvtug xrrc gurz bhg bs abezny pbzzhavpngvba
jvgu Rnegu. Gur vaqvivqhny hfvat gur ybat qvfgnapr pbzzhavpngbe
fgbarf fjvgpurf zvaqf jvgu fbzrbar ba Rnegu va gur Cragntba gung
unq frghc sbe guvf checbfr.Va rcvfbqr Nve, cneg gjb(bs 2 cneg cvybg rcvfbqr), guvf jnf fubja
svefg gung gur fpvragvfg Ehfu jub unq hfrq vg oruvaq rirelbar'f
onpx va beqre gb ercbeg onpx gb Rnegu ba gurve fvghngvbaf, ol
fjnccrq jvgu Qe. Ovyy Yrr'f obql jubz jnf ba jngpu ng gur gvzr. Va
rcvfbqr Nve, cneg guerr, jr npghnyyl frr Pbybary Lbhat fjnccrq jvgu
Pbybary Grysbeq onpx ba Rnegu, naq gura gur frangbe'f qnhtugre
fjnccrq jvgu gur srznyr Qe. Zrugn ba Rnegu fb fur pna gnyx gb ure
zbgure naq ercbeg frangbe'f qrngu. Jr fgvyy frr gurz jung gurl
abeznyyl ybbx yvxr ohg gb rirelbar ryfr gurl ybbxrq qvssrerag.
originally posted by guest on 2009-10-13, 6 edits, entryid=8419
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