- Categories:Television Episode, Magical, Inanimate, Monster, Age, Size
- First Air Date: Saturday March 15, 2008
- Season: 2
- Episode: 10 (23 overall)
Zyx returns, but this time he is not the biggest magical threat to
the Legion, instead it is Mordru who takes over his, and Zyx's,
homeworld of Zarok. Being a master magician, when the Legion
confront Mordru, he is well prepared.
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Qhevat gur pbhefr bs gur onggyr, ur pnfgf bar fcryy gung punatrf
Obhapvat Obl sebz n abezny cyhzc obl, gb n irel fxvaal obl gung
pnaabg hfr uvf cbjre. Ur punatrf Gvzorejbys vagb na byq zna, naq
punatrf Fhcrezna vagb n Fgbar Fgnghr. Yngre, ur hfrf uvf cbjre gb
punatr gur Yrtvba vagb inevbhf zbafgref, jvgu Fhcrezna (Xny Ry)
punatvat vagb n Terra Uhyx yvxr zbafgre, naq Obhapl vagb n Peno
yvxr perngher. Vg vf gunaxf gb gur Fhcrezna sebz gur 41fg praghel
gung gur Yrtvba vf svanyyl eriregrq gb gurve abezny sbezf.
originally posted by Sara on 2008-03-27, 3 edits, entryid=7981
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