- Categories:Gender, Animal, Alien, Inanimate, Video
- First Released: December 2007
- Staring: James A. Ward (Jay), Eric Dapkewicz (Bob), Kim Jones
(Jay), Shampoo (Cat), Ian Dapkewicz (Kid), Boo & Wedge (dogs).
A mini-TF short created by the makers of "Wand Of Change" and "The
Last Piece Standing", Three Degrees off Center and Mako Pictures.
Jay & Bob decide to square off playing a popular computer game, and
reveal that a certain spell (curse of the skin) in the game can go
beyond just transforming their game characters.
There are four slightly different versions. You can find them on
these YouTube sites below.
- Game Over 1.0 - "Cute & Cuddly" - 04:59 - (2007) - Mako
- Game Over 1.1 - "Night Night Boys" - 06:01 - (2007) James
- Game Over 1.2 - "The Christmas Gift" - 08:24 - (2007) - Mako
- Game Over 1.3 - "Flushed" - 07:20 - (2007) - James
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Mako on 2007-12-12, 3 edits, entryid=7834
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