- Categories:Comic Book, Female, Mythical, Monster
- Title: "Honor Among Thieves"
- Cover Date: December 2007
- Countdown Week 30
- DC Comics
This issue is a Countdown Tie-in one-shot.
Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn) is contacted by the reformed Edward
Nigma (Riddler) to see if chemicals stolen from Wayne Enterprises
are in an Athenian woman's refugee center. She finds the chemicals
in possession of the former tech that stole them from Wayne
Enterprises. When confronted, the tech injects herself and gains
more strength, but she is in a magic pool that does the same thing
at the time.
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Gur fpvrapr naq zntvp zvk, gheavat gur srznyr grpu vagb Fpnyn, n
uhyxvfu fvmrq jbzna jvgu fpnyrf.Terng dhbgr ol Uneyrl: "Jura fpvrapr zvkrf jvgu zntvp, gur erfhygf
pna or htyl!"
Athena is againClick to show spoiler
fubja gb npghnyyl or Tenaal Tbbqarff
originally posted by Sara on 2007-11-30, 1 edit, entryid=7814
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