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Who is Julia?
  • Categories:Female, Movie
  • (C) 1986, Adult Content, Drama, Sci-Fi, pub CBS Entertainment Productions


A very well-done, low-key treatment of the world's first human to human brain transplant. When her toddler escapes her arms and runs into traffic, a young but unglamorous housewife suffers a cerebral hemmorage. The child is saved by the brave actions of a beautiful model, but in the process the model's lower body is crushed by a truck. At the hospital, the housewife is pronounced brain dead, while the model is on the verge of dying, as well, so the model's undamaged brain is transplanted into the housewife's body. The film focuses on the long recovery period, the model's adjustment to her new form, and the struggles that the loved ones of both women must endure. Well acted, especially by Mare Winningham, and very realistic in its approach (moreso than the slightly lurid source novel by Barbara Harris).

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2 Comment: Who is Julia?
Started by guest (Inkpott), Last Post by guest (TheCritic)
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1 Review: Who is Julia?
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279 months

originally posted by Macaroni on 2000-04-28, no edits, entryid=5471