- Categories:Inanimate, Television Episode
- Series: Friday The 13th, The Series
- Title ""The Long Road Home"", (C) 1988?, Body Swap, Magic, Horror
A cursed yin/yang medallion allows the user to transfer his
personality into the body of another after he first kills the
second person. A few same-gender swaps take place in this episode,
and very near the end, the mind of a killer is placed in the form
of a scarecrow (which orginally was built around a man's long dead
body). The scarecrow makes some threatening moves before being
disembowled and really dying once all of his stuffing drains out. A
fairly effective merging of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and THE
originally posted by Macaroni on 2000-05-03, 4 edits, entryid=5453
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