- Categories:Gender, Female, Adult Movie
- (C) 1997?, Adult Content, Body Thief, Magic, Fantasy, On Video
A sex therapist consults 5 women about their sex lives. She is
confronted by a strange faceless man that tells her the only true
way to help them is to be them. She becomes 3 of the women in her
class. It is done Quantum Leap style and looks the same until she
looks in the mirror. She is unable to "finish" having sex because
she leaps out just before climax to allow the host to enjoy the
act. Well done movie and has a good combination of sex and FtoF plot. Recommended
A man changes into the woman therapist after having sex with her,
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2000-07-26, 1 edit, entryid=5238
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