- Categories:Male, Comic Book
- Title "Switching Channels", Issue: 255, (C) 1990, Marvel, Body
Swap, Action
Iron Man and his Russian counterpart, the Crimson Dynamo, are hit
by microwave transmissions at the same time which somehow causes
them to switch bodies. Iron Man is eager to switch back,d espite
the fact Dynamo is dating a Russian cutie named Yelena Brement. The
Dynamo, however, has learned Iron Man is really millionaire
industrialist Tony Stark, and wants to enjoy his new life. He even
goes so far as to try to kill Freak Quincy, the man responsible for
the switch in the first place. Iron Man manages to switch back just
in time.
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2000-07-31, no edits, entryid=5222
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