- Categories:Female, Short Story
- Title "A Change Of Aunts", In "Story Library: Horror Stories", (C)
1984, Body Swap, Body Thief, Horror
A recently widowed businessman must leave his children with his
sister-in-law when he goes on business trips.The aunt pretends to
care about the children when he's around, but actually mistreats
them.The children find a bog which is the prison of the spirit of a
governess who committed suicide.The spirit seizes the aunt and
steals her body. The children realize what has happened, but say
nothing since the spirit is a much nicer person.Eventually, the
'aunt' marries the father.We learn in the end that the aunt is
imprisoned in the bog in the governess' decaying body.
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2001-02-20, no edits, entryid=4957
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