- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Title "Pain Killers", Episode: 4, (C) 2001, Episode, British,
Illusion, Shapeshifter, Comedy, Mystery
Wyvern (Marty's ghostly tutor) is teaching Marty how to shapeshift.
He shows Marty how to turn into a beautiful Hawian girl. Later
Marty tries this to wake his best friend Jeff up but when he tries
to turn back he finds he doesn't have enough energy so he's stuck
with a couple of her features.
Wyvern explains to Marty that
he can take any form he desires |
He begins to transform
and turns into a beautiful girl |
He says he likes it, especially
a couple of features
but he changes back |
Marty tries the transformation
power with Jeff
and turns into the girl |
but when he tries to chnage
back, he is stuck with the
female body
originally posted by anonymous on 2001-10-22, no edits, entryid=4712
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