- Categories:Gender, Book
- Title "Channeling Cleopatra", Possession, Action, Comedy, Drama,
Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense
Current book.DNA of dead people into the living. Somehow this also
allows the dead person's personality and memories to be transfered
as well. A husband saves his wife's personality and they are joined
in his body. Also, a murdered 60 year cop gets joined with the
30ish Dr. wife of a Billionaire and at many points he has control
of her body. He helps her win back the love of her husband! There
is also a dying villian who hopes to take over many younger bodies.
The heroine ends up 'joined' with cleopatra and finds her hidden
tomb. The 'science' fiction part is questionable at best, but it is
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Eric on 2002-03-25, no edits, entryid=4472
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