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Bedazzled (1967)
  • Categories:Male, Gender, Movie
  • Cast: Dudley Moore (Stanley Moon/Sister Luna) Peter Cook (George Spiggott/The Devil) and Eleanor Bron (Margaret Spencer)
  • Original Release Date: December 10, 1967
  • Run time: 103 min
  • Movie was remade in 2000 with similiar plot)


Stanley is a short order cook, infatuated with Margaret, the statuesque waitress who works at Whimpy Burger with him. Despondent, he prepares to end it all when he meets George Spiggott (the devil). Selling his soul for 7 wishes, Stanley tries to make Margaret his own first as an intellectual, then as a rock star, then as a wealthy industrialist. As each fails, he becomes more aware of how empty his life had been and how much more he has to live for.
The devil has already demonstrated that he will seize upon any ambiguity to twist the wish to something unpleasant, so Stanley words this one carefully: he asks to be "with Margaret, both of them in love with each other, no other man in her life, have a spiritual bond, and in a peaceful setting." The devil grants the wish and both Stanley and the girl become nuns in a convent. Both are still played by the same actors.


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6 Review: Bedazzled
Started by Eric, Last Post by Bodyswap1
184 months

originally posted by dadoctah on 2002-06-30, 3 edits, entryid=4291