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Harlan Ellison
  • Categories:Male, Short Story


Originally in Omni magazine for October '93. Main character is a telepath who's one friend is a female district attorney. She asks him to look into the mind of an accused serial killer to determine if he's innocent or not. When the main character does, he finds that not only is the accused innocent, but he's the one who has been commiting the murders.

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Ng gur raq vg'f qvfpbirerq gung gur npphfrq jnf n gryrcngu nyfb, naq unf orra nebhaq fvapr gur pnirzna qnlf. Ur unf fheivirq ol whzcvat sebz obql gb obql, xvyyvat guebhtubhg uvfgbel. Ur unq hfrq uvf gryrcngul gb cynag gur xabjyrqtr bs gur pevzrf va gur znva punenpgref zvaq fb ur jbhyq trg oynzrq(uvf bevtvany cyna unq orra gb fgrny gur srznyr QN'f obql naq jnyx bhg, ohg qrpvqrq guvf jnf orggre jura ur sbhaq bhg fur xarj nabgure gryrcngu). Gur znva punenpgre fjvgpurf obqvrf jvgu gur xvyyre whfg orsber ur'f rkrphgrq. Vg'f nyfb zragvbarq gung gur xvyyre unq gnxra srznyr obqvrf va gur cnfg(Yhpergvn Obetvn jnf zragvbarq), ohg gur bayl genafsbezngvba fubja va gur fgbel vf gur bar ng gur raq.

originally posted by Random on 2006-07-12, no edits, entryid=429