- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Series: Jackie Chan Adventures
- Title "?", Episode: ?, (C) 2002, Canadian, Body Swap, Magic,
Action, Comedy, Animated
- I do know it aired before the other entry for Jackie Chan
In this episode, Jade, Thoru, Jackie, and Uncle go to a
Chinese-style Transylvania to pick up some Antiques for Uncle's
shop. A Chinese vampire steals all of Thoru's chi, and Uncle puts
some of Jade's chi into Thoru. Thoru acts like the tomboy for most
of the episode. Another chi transfusion later on has Jade acting
like the old man Uncle for most of second half of the episode. It's
more of a personality swap than a body swap. (from the Editor, this
doesn't sound like it counts. Can someone please confirm one way or
the other if this should be included.)
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2003-01-05, 1 edit, entryid=3934
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