- Categories:Male, Comic Book
- (C) 1944, New York Daily Mirror, Trivial, Comedy, reprinted in 1990
as "Li'l Abner: The 1944 Dailies" by Kitchen Sink Press
In the daily newspaper comic strip in August 1944, puny scientist
Heathcliffe McMarvel uses his
Reverso-Magneto-Mento-Physiquo-Transversal Machine to trade bodies
with the muscular Li'l Abner Yokum. In Abner's body, McMarvel
finally gets the glamourous Appassionata Van Climax to agree to
marry him. Back home, Abner, in McMarvel's body, gets nothing but
pity. The trade is reversed when Abner, paid $1 to sit in one of
the machine's chairs, finds he was given a $2 bill by mistake,
returns to McMarvel's mansion to return the difference.
originally posted by anonymous on 2003-01-22, no edits, entryid=3885
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