- Categories:Inanimate, Gender, Comic Book
- Title "The More-or-Less Return of the Molecule Man", Issue: 3, (C)
1976, Marvel, Body Thief, Action, Sci-Fi, Issue also (perhaps
ironically) features the Man Thing
When anyone touches the wand that holds the spirit of the Molecule
Man, the villain overwhelms the victim's mind and takes over his
body; that body also reforms to the muscular, jagged-tooth form of
Molecule Man. When a little girl picks up the wand, her body
becomes muscular and jagged-toothed, but (to MM's chagrin) the
victim's gender does not change, so the villain is sort of a
"Molecule Girl" for this adventure.
A little girl is possessed by the spirit of the Molecule Man. The
girl returns home and scares her mother. The mentally-unstable girl
is angered by her mother's attitude and turns her into a doll. By
the end of the issue, the girl is freed and the mother returns to
originally posted by Cobe on 2003-02-17, 1 edit, entryid=3840
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