- Categories:Male, Television Episode
- Title "Decision", Episode: 101, (C) 2002, Series, Shapeshifter,
Sci-Fi, Animated
A shapeshifter disguised as a doctor(male) on the team while on a
off world mission return to Earth and later managed to infiltrate
the base and uses team commander's form(male) gain access to the
Stargate control room to open the Stargate. But in order to operate
the control the shapeshifter changed to the operator's
From submission by Kara
Hephaestus - a Shiftu shapeshifter - takes the form of an
attractive female Stargate Officer in order to open the iris and allow the Tlak'kahn to enter
the SGC.
originally posted by anonymous on 2003-03-16, 1 edit, entryid=3780
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