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A.I. Love You issue Volume 4
  • Categories:Gender, Comic Book


A nerdish, lonely student who is able to make amazing A.I. programs, has them come to life after a freak lightning strike.

One of the later A.I's is named "Forty".

Forty is an A.I. that Hitoshi developed after he is able to bring A.I.s to life at will. Saati and Toni (two earlier A.I's that come to life) argue about the gender and personality when he is putting the finishing touches on it, and press too many buttons at once. The end result is an A.I. that had two forms: both boy and girl. Both are childlike, and will switch to the alternate gender when that word is said (Forty would become a girl when the male Forty said "girl," and vice versa).

The male Forty is somewhat of a neat-freak, Saati's personality choice (Although her gender of choice was female), and a bit high-strung. The female Forty is laid-back and outgoing, Toni's personality choice (Although, similarly, her gender choice was male).

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4 Comment: A.I. Love You , "Volume 4"
Started by The White Lion, Last Post by The White Lion
218 months

originally posted by guest (Kerina) on 2006-08-16, no edits, entryid=335